
Brunei Darussalam

International investment in Southeast Asia


‌  ASEAN-OECD Investment Programme

The ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)-OECD Investment Programme fosters dialogue and experience sharing between OECD countries and Southeast Asian economies on issues relating to the business and investment climate.

The programme achieves its aims through regional policy dialogue, country investment policy reviews, and training seminars.


Sustainable Investment in Southeast Asia

October 2022 - The OECD is supporting the implementation of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework, particularly the sustainable investment provisions. This blog explains ways in which ASEAN Member States can promote sustainable investment and promote the benefits of FDI for social and environmental objectives. It previews a forthcoming report which will include analysis of investment policy reforms and priorities among ASEAN members, explain how to enable responsible business conduct in the region, and advise on policy initiatives to promote green investment. 


Integrating Southeast Asian SMEs in Global Value Chains  

26 February 2019 - ‌This joint OECD-UNIDO report identifies investment and related policies to enhance linkages between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Asia and multinational enterprises (MNEs) and their impacts on SME outcomes in Southeast Asia.


Investment policy reviews

Investment policy reviews (IPR) are usually undertaken by governments looking to identify and implement investment policy reforms that will make their country a more attractive destination for investors. These reviews are undertaken jointly by the OECD and the government of the country concerned based on the Policy Framework for Investment.

The OECD and ASEAN work closely together to promote these reviews which help to stimulate sustained and deepened relations with Asia’s most important regional economic community:

Cambodia (2018)

Indonesia (2010 | 2020)

Lao People's Democratic Republic (2017)

Malaysia (2013) 

Myanmar (2020)

Philippines (2016)

Thailand (2021)

Viet Nam (2009 | 2018)

Southeast Asia (2019)


Investment policy training

To complement country reviews and regional dialogue, the OECD holds investment policy training seminars. These capacity-building seminars assist government officials in Southeast Asia to design, develop and implement sound investment policies. These seminars build on the PFI and OECD experience gained from the investment policy reviews undertaken worldwide.

Investment policy workshop, Kuala Lumpur, 7-8 November 2019

Investment policy training seminar, Da Nang, Viet Nam, June 2013

Regional dialogue on investment policy

Regional dialogue allows for experience sharing on investment policy design, implementation and harmonisation. It offers a platform for individual economies to disseminate the results of their investment policy reviews and contribute to the identification of best practices.

  • ASEAN-OECD Investment Policy Forum, Kuala Lumpur, November 2019

  • Occasional participation in the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Investment, the AANZFTA Committee on Investment, the APEC Investment Experts’ Group and the UN ESCAP FDI Network



Investment Policy for Sustainable Development in the AANZFTA region – assessment of OECD IPRs in Southeast Asia

Building a competitive and responsible investment environment in Indonesia to support a resilient COVID-19 recovery, 2020

Policy Framework for Investment

OECD Principles for Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure

Private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector - Checklist for Public Action

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

OECD Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational Enterprises in Weak Governance Zones

Association of Southeast Asian Nations 

OECD Global Relations portal


Any questions should be addressed to Mr. Stephen Thomsen
Tel: +33 1 45 24 83 68


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