kid friendly Archives - The Herbal Spoon Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Sat, 18 Apr 2020 05:11:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 kid friendly Archives - The Herbal Spoon 32 32 Lemon Mousse Cups – Nourishing and Detoxing Tue, 30 Aug 2016 15:15:10 +0000   I struggled with the title for this one, because this lemon mousse is really so many things. It will boost your immune system, help you detox, increase digestion, strengthen hair and nails, improves skin elasticity for wrinkle reduction, and can slim your waistline. Not only will it do all that, but it tastes fantastic ...

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Nourishing lemon mousse cups to help you detox, boost immunity and trim your waistline - The Herbal SpoonI struggled with the title for this one, because this lemon mousse is really so many things. It will boost your immune system, help you detox, increase digestion, strengthen hair and nails, improves skin elasticity for wrinkle reduction, and can slim your waistline. Not only will it do all that, but it tastes fantastic while it’s making you healthier. I like putting this lemon mousse into small mason jars. It’s portable, snackable and easy to grab this way.

To low fat or not low fat

The base for this  lemon mousse is protein rich Greek yogurt. You can strain regular yogurt if you don’t have Greek on hand. I’m a big fan of whole fat dairy products, but if you’re focusing on weight loss, then you can use low fat. Since cream will naturally rise to the top of un-homogenized milk, the lower fat milk on bottom is what’s used to make low fat yogurt, without any weird processing going on. 

Detox and boost immunity

The flavor of course is coming from lemon, and here we’re using a fresh lemon. The acidity from the lemon increases stomach acid production to improve digestion. It also helps to flush toxins from the body and cleanse the liver, our main detox organ.

This recipe for lemon mousse uses the whole lemon though, including the pith, which is super high in vitamin C and kicks your immune system into gear. Make sure you use an organic lemon to avoid the high amount of pesticides in the peel.

Nourishing lemon mousse cups to help you detox, boost immunity and trim your waistline - The Herbal Spoon

Better nails without a manicure

And you can’t have  lemon mousse without some way to thicken it. I love using grasssfed gelatin here since it’s so nutrient dense. This isn’t the same stuff found in the artificially flavored and neon colored box at the grocery store though. Gelatin gives your body the amino acids and proteins it needs to have healthy and vibrant nails, hair and skin. You can find gelatin in my superfood vanilla latte or gingerbread latte recipes.

A sweet combination

Raw honey is amazing in so many ways, and I frequently use it as my sweetener of choice. It’s perfect for sore throats and respiratory issues, and it tastes great in some honey sweetened caramel. Too much though, and it will spike blood sugar, which can give you a sugar crash, resulting in weight gain. Since the lemon is so sour, and the pith can be bitter, you really need enough sweetener here.

I use a combination of raw honey and stevia in this recipe. Most stevia is either highly processed, or terribly bitter. I’ve been using this liquid stevia, or this stevia powder lately since they’re both minimally processed and not bitter. To round the flavor out though, you really need some honey. By using both you’re getting a nice, full sweet flavor, without a blood sugar spike.

Nourishing lemon mousse cups to help you detox, boost immunity and trim your waistline - The Herbal Spoon

What’s your favorite afternoon snack? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to share this recipe with a friend!

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Green Eggs and Ham Without Food Coloring Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:35:00 +0000   I absolutely love spinach. I like it in a salad with strawberries and poppy seed dressing, stirred into alfredo pasta or even sautéed with a bit of vinegar and honey. My toddler, not so much. Little green leaves are not appealing to him! I’ve found a way to make breakfast fun and healthy with ...

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I absolutely love spinach. I like it in a salad with strawberries and poppy seed dressing, stirred into alfredo pasta or even sautéed with a bit of vinegar and honey. My toddler, not so much. Little green leaves are not appealing to him! I’ve found a way to make breakfast fun and healthy with these nutrient dense green eggs and ham.

What is appealing to him right now is the Cat in The Hat. He’s been watching it on PBS and we’ve been reading it on his potty while he potty trains. He didn’t used to sit still for books, but I’ve found that if he has a stuffed animal of one of the book’s characters, or even a TV show to connect it to, he’s much more engaged. I try to limit TV time, but  Cat in the Hat series   is one of the few shows I’m ok with.

Green Eggs and Ham

I make “green eggs” for breakfast and my little one loves the color. And I love that they’re full of veggies … he just doesn’t know it. The book “Green Eggs and Ham,” makes eating these eggs even more fun for kids.

We like to top the eggs with salsa and cheese, but these are good even without it. And I promise, they don’t taste like spinach! Recipes usually add milk to eggs when they’re scrambled, but there’s enough liquid here with the spinach.

This recipe  works best with a high speed blender, since it will really liquefy the spinach and you won’t be left with any green spinach flecks. I have a refurbished Vitamix that I really like, use every day and it cost  about half of a new one.  A regular blender or even a ninja blender won’t get it as smooth, but it will get the job done and you’ll have yummy green eggs that the kiddos will love!

Green eggs and ham without food coloring - The Herbal Spoon

Share this recipe with someone who could use a fun and healthy breakfast by using the share buttons below!

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Cheesy Garlic Dehydrated Kale Chips -raw, vegan and paleo Wed, 22 May 2013 20:48:00 +0000 So I just received my first Conscious Box in the mail last week and I have to say, I absolutely loved it! One product that really stood out was the vampire killer flavored “Brad’s Raw Kale Chips”. I decided that I needed to make my own version of these, and to keep it raw I made some ...

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Cheesy garlic raw dehydrated kale chips, paleo and vegan - The Herbal Spoon

So I just received my first Conscious Box in the mail last week and I have to say, I absolutely loved it! One product that really stood out was the vampire killer flavored “Brad’s Raw Kale Chips”. I decided that I needed to make my own version of these, and to keep it raw I made some cheesy garlic dehydrated kale chips.

Cheesy garlic dehydrated kale chips

We had some kale that needed to be used and my grandma lent me her dehydrator forever ago and I’d yet to use it so… last night I experimented.

The Brad’s recipe used chickpea miso, which I didn’t have, so I replaced it with nutritional yeast. I think the yeast gives these dehydrated kale chips an even cheesier flavor!   My husband thought they tasted even better than the original chips and I loved the price. The Brad’s brand chips cost $7.49 per ounce. My homemade ones cost much less than that, but price will vary depending on where you get your ingredients.

Sourcing ingredients

I bought the cashews and sunflower seeds in bulk from Whole Foods.  I’ve included the brands I use and recommend in the recipe if you can’t find the ingredients you need locally. I buy a lot of my natural pantry items online though since it’s usually much cheaper than my local store. The cost for making these dehydrated kale chips will vary, but it will still be significantly cheaper than buying the prepackaged ones.

Cheesy garlic raw dehydrated kale chips, paleo and vegan - The Herbal Spoon
Photo credit via flickr CC – Bobbi Bowers

What’s your favorite healthy, crunchy snack to munch on? Let us know in the comments and be sure to share this post with a friend!

The post Cheesy Garlic Dehydrated Kale Chips -raw, vegan and paleo appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

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