naturally sweetened dessert Archives - The Herbal Spoon Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Mon, 29 Jul 2019 18:45:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 naturally sweetened dessert Archives - The Herbal Spoon 32 32 Dark Chocolate Salted Cookie Dough Truffles – Paleo Sun, 15 May 2016 21:08:15 +0000 We’re big fans of healthy, naturally sweetened, grain free desserts around here. These dark chocolate salted cookie dough truffles are super decadent, and super delicious with none of the bad stuff. You had me at chocolate. There’s something about the sweet and salty combo of salted chocolate that’s just magical. And of course you can’t go ...

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Salted dark chocolate chip cookie dough truffles - Grain free, dairy free and naturally sweetened - The Herbal SpoonWe’re big fans of healthy, naturally sweetened, grain free desserts around here. These dark chocolate salted cookie dough truffles are super decadent, and super delicious with none of the bad stuff. You had me at chocolate.

There’s something about the sweet and salty combo of salted chocolate that’s just magical. And of course you can’t go wrong with cookie dough. The almond meal and arrowroot combo provides the base of the “dough” without any grains or gluten. The cashew butter adds that extra layer of creaminess to really tie it all together. You can just use more almond meal if you don’t have cashew butter, but I really like the neutral, almost cream cheese like flavor that it gives to the truffle.

Bite sized

One of the things I like about these, in addition to their chocolatey goodness of course, is that they’re in nice individual sized portions. Now I can’t say that I’ve ever stopped at just one, however this does make them easier to serve. It’s also nice for when the little guy wants a treat; one of these can go a long way for a 4 year old.

They do get a little bit melty in our house, which is unreasonably warm, so they’re stored in the fridge or freezer. If your house is cooler than 74 degrees, then feel free to keep them at room temperature. Keeping them really cold also helps them from melting all over your fingers as you’re noshing down on one. Be warned though, that too long in the freezer makes them a little hard to chew.

Salted dark chocolate chip cookie dough truffles - Grain free, dairy free and naturally sweetened - The Herbal Spoon

Make it dairy free

To keep it dairy free, use ghee instead of pastured butter. You could also use coconut oil, but ghee smells like toffee to me and gives a phenomenal, concentrated butter flavor without the milk proteins some are sensitive too. I also use this brand of chocolate chips since they’re dairy, soy and gluten free, as my other half doesn’t handle dairy well.

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Pumpkin Oatmeal Cream Pies – with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Filling Sun, 13 Sep 2015 08:00:33 +0000 I get mixed messages from my husband. A few weeks ago it was, “Love, we need to eat healthier. Stop buying chips.” Last night though I heard “Can you make cookies?!” Lucky for him these cookies are gluten free and naturally sweetened so they’re a much healthier option. So you CAN have your pumpkin oatmeal ...

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Pumpkin cream pies with white chocolate, cream cheese filling, GF and naturally sweetnened - The Herbal Spoon

I get mixed messages from my husband. A few weeks ago it was, “Love, we need to eat healthier. Stop buying chips.” Last night though I heard “Can you make cookies?!” Lucky for him these cookies are gluten free and naturally sweetened so they’re a much healthier option. So you CAN have your pumpkin oatmeal cream pies and eat them too.

Finally, a chewy pumpkin cookie!

With autumn finally here I couldn’t help but come up with a pumpkin recipe. I know in many places pumpkins aren’t ripe yet, but they will be soon. I used some of last year’s supply for this cookie batch.

It’s hard to come up with pumpkin anything that isn’t cakey and I really really like chewy cookies. I was inspired by this recipe that strains the pumpkin first to ensure moist, chewy cookies. Woohooo! as my son would say.


Pumpkin cream pies with white chocolate, cream cheese filling, GF and naturally sweetnened - The Herbal Spoon

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cream Pies




  1. Using the cheesecloth, strain all of the excess water from the pumpkin. You want to end up with 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree when you’re done.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.
  3. Use a cookie scoop or your hands to form small balls and drop them onto a parchment or silpat lined cookie sheet. The cookie scoop really makes this so much easier!
  4. Press the balls flat using floured fingers since the dough will be very sticky. I used rice flour for this.
  5. Bake at 325 for about 15 minutes.
  6. Let cookies cool completely before topping with filling.

Pumpkin cream pies with white chocolate, cream cheese filling, GF and naturally sweetnened - The Herbal Spoon

White Chocolate Cream Cheese Filling



  1. Melt the butter and cocoa butter on the stove over low heat.
  2. Add all the butter mixture and the rest of the ingredients to a bowl and use the whisk attachment on your mixer to whip the frosting. This will take a few minutes, but everything will combine to form a bright white, fluffy whipped filling.
  3. Spread generously on the bottom of a pumpkin cookie and top with another.
  4. You may need to let the filling sit in the fridge for 10 minutes first to firm up a little if it’s too warm.

What’s your favorite pumpkin dessert? Comment below!



Linked at: Waste Not Want Not

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Raspberry Chocolate Mousse Mon, 22 Jun 2015 07:00:31 +0000   I will admit that I’m a no holes barred chocolate person. If it’s made with chocolate, I’ll eat it. Except for maybe these chocolate cricket cookies. I don’t care if they’re high in protein, I’ll pass for now thank you. What makes chocolate so appealing? So why do we love chocolate so much? I ...

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Raspberry chocolate mousse, dairy and refined sugar free via: The Herbal Spoon

I will admit that I’m a no holes barred chocolate person. If it’s made with chocolate, I’ll eat it. Except for maybe these chocolate cricket cookies. I don’t care if they’re high in protein, I’ll pass for now thank you.

What makes chocolate so appealing?

So why do we love chocolate so much? I experienced a major decrease in my chocolate cravings once I started to supplement with this magnesium, a mineral that the majority of Americans are deficient in. Many issues can be caused by a magnesium deficiency, like body odor, brain fog and low energy (source).  It just so happens that chocolate is high in magnesium, so a strong craving signals a deficiency.

I probably don’t have to tell you that most desserts out there are loaded with unhealthy sugar, trans fat, refined flours, high fructose corn syrup, and the list goes on and on. Even organic desserts aren’t the healthiest options because they are lacking in nutrition, something that’s increasingly harder to find in our modern foods.

This mousse recipe however is not only free of the bad stuff, but it boasts a nutritionally dense ingredient list. My 3 year old LOVES eating it, and I actually feel good about letting him chow down on some (within reason of course). It’s still high in natural sugars, so I don’t let him eat his body weight in it or anything.

Healthy fat keeps you thin

The popularity of avocados has skyrocketed in the past few years and for good reason. They’re full of healthy, satiating fats that improve skin and help regulate hormones. They contain roughly 37% of your daily dietary fiber intake. They’re also really high in potassium, magnesium, the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin K. (source)

Coconut milk is high in medium chain fatty acids, or MCFA, that actually help you shed pounds and stay in shape. As a bonus, just 1 can contains about ½ your needed iron, 1/3 of your magnesium, copper and phosporous and all of your daily manganese among other minerals. (source)

Why raw is better

Raw cacao powder is naturally less processed than regular cocoa powder. Since the beans aren’t heated, more of the nutrition remains intact. It’s also high in necessary minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium and seleium. (source)

This recipe uses raw honey, which is good for everything from treating burns and infections to sweetening up superfood vanilla latte’s. My favorite caramel recipe is also made with honey instead of refined sugar. You can read about the other amazing healing and nutritional benefits of raw honey here. (source)

Raspberry chocolate mousse, dairy and refined sugar free via: The Herbal Spoon

Raspberry Chocolate Mousse

So now that you know why this recipe is so good for you (or maybe you’ve just scrolled down to the recipe because you simply want the chocolate deliciousness right now), here’s the recipe. I’ve found that this tastes good a few hours after it’s chilled, but it tastes absolutely amazing after 1 ½ to 2 days. This lets the flavors really meld together for a smooth and flavorful dessert. Affiliate links below.

Raspberry chocolate mousse ingredients

  • 1 very ripe avocado
  • 1/3 cup cacao powder – get it here
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk – get it here
  • 1 and ½ tsp vanilla extract – get it here
  • 3 Tbsps raw honey – get it here
  • Pinch of unrefined sea salt – get it here
  • ½ cup raspberries (strawberries can be substituted

Raspberry chocolate mousse directions

  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
  2. Pour into individual serving cups or small mason jars.
  3. Refrigerate at least 3 hours, but preferrably 36 hours before serving.
  4. Top with a generous layer of berries. Yields about 2.5 cups.





Shared at: Mama Moments, Let’s Get Real

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Rich, Honey Sweetened Caramel Sauce Wed, 17 Jul 2013 21:13:00 +0000 A good caramel sauce goes well with so many desserts, I’ll even add a touch to my morning herbal coffee brew for a salted caramel flavor! Most caramel sauces are made with heavy amounts of refined sugar, which wreaks havoc on your body. This honey sweetened caramel sauce is naturally sweetened and offers a healthier, yet just ...

The post Rich, Honey Sweetened Caramel Sauce appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

Honey sweetened caramel sauce - The Herbal Spoon

A good caramel sauce goes well with so many desserts, I’ll even add a touch to my morning herbal coffee brew for a salted caramel flavor! Most caramel sauces are made with heavy amounts of refined sugar, which wreaks havoc on your body. This honey sweetened caramel sauce is naturally sweetened and offers a healthier, yet just as delicious option.

In search of ice cream topping

Last night I made chocolate ice cream from some coconut milk I had just bought. We were going to eat it after the baby went to bed except, the baby wouldn’t go to bed. We finally rolled into bed bleary eyed and exhausted at four in the morning, after Mr. energy had finally exhausted himself. Tonight I decided to pull the ice cream from the freezer, but then I realized I could do better.

Can I tell you something? My secret indulgence is a chocolate sundae with caramel sauce from Dairy Queen. It’s so smooth, sweet and creamy, but so incredibly bad for you! I’m not even sure what all chemicals and artificial flavors are in it.

Honey sweetened caramel sauce

That’s when I had an epiphany and decided to try a sugar free all natural caramel sauce. After much searching I found some inspiration online, but nothing exactly like what I was looking for. The resulting recipe is rich and smooth just like regular caramel, but without the guilt! I wasn’t sure it would thicken properly at first, but I promise you it will!

You don’t have to save this sauce for just ice cream though. It tastes equally delicious on top of some cheesecake, or drizzled on a moist, chocolate brownie. I’ve even been known to sneak a few spoonfuls in straight out of the jar.

Be sure to use pastured cream and butter as well as local honey and a healthy sea salt like Celtic or Himalayan. I’ve included links in the recipe below for ingredients we use if you can’t find what you need locally.  So without further ado, here is the best caramel sauce in the universe. (okay maybe not, but it’s pretty darn good 🙂

Honey sweetened caramel sauce - The Herbal Spoon



What would you put this caramel sauce on? Let us know in the comments below!

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