Comments on: Homemade Rose Lotion Recipe Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Wed, 05 May 2021 16:58:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamie Wed, 05 May 2021 16:58:17 +0000 In reply to Crystal Wright.

Have you had issues with this specific recipe or just other lotions? If the emulsion is breaking and you’re doing it slow it could be because you’re adding too much water and don’t have enough oils and wax. Adding some emulsifying wax in the oil melting stage can also help. Some recipes add oil to the water phase but the trick is to instead add the water to the oil phase. Personally I haven’t had issues with this recipe.

By: Crystal Wright Mon, 03 May 2021 18:51:52 +0000 Hey! Have you had any problems with the water separating? I’ve done so many similar batches but the water always separates after just a few hours. 🙁 I pour the water in extremely slowly so I know it’s not that. I’m afraid to try this recipe for fear I’ll spoil another batch. Any advice would help. Thank you!

By: jamie Mon, 17 Sep 2018 19:21:40 +0000 In reply to Sallie Durette.

Hi Sallie, Since all the measurements are by weight this won’t translate to a volume measurement. I wouldn’t wing it since lotions require more precision, but maybe its one to come back to once you have a scale. Or maybe there’s a site where you could calculate the volume of the ingredients based on the weights given? Sorry I can’t be of more help!

By: Sallie Durette Sun, 16 Sep 2018 19:05:15 +0000 This was from several years back, so you may not get this comment. If you do, could you tell me if you would have any suggestions about making this without a scale? I can’t spend the money on a scale right now, but I would like to make the cream. I don’t want to waste the ingredients by winging it. Thanks so much.

By: MH Tue, 04 Jul 2017 20:05:36 +0000 Thank you for the recipe. I am finding here in FL I have to put these types of recipes back in the fridge a day or two later to whip it up as it gets liquidy, it is cool in the house but I think the humidity makes it form a little liquid on top. I love the smell made some for my mom and me. Thanks again.

By: jamie Wed, 19 Apr 2017 02:45:00 +0000 In reply to Ree.

I haven’t had luck with Amazon since I’ve seen several companies claim they’re organic, but don’t have the certification to back it up. it sounds like the one you found at Whole Foods is a great option for those who have one nearby! Ours nearest Whole Foods is 1 hour and 15 minutes away though so that’s why I rely on online purchases so much :/

By: Ree Sun, 16 Apr 2017 22:27:00 +0000 In reply to Ree.

Sorry to add again. There are a few on Amazon cheaper claiming to be organic, but I am not familiar with the companies.

By: Ree Sun, 16 Apr 2017 22:12:40 +0000 I forgot to add, it was 18 dollars for the almond oil.

By: Ree Sun, 16 Apr 2017 22:11:53 +0000 In reply to jamie.

Hi Again,

I found an organic 16. ounce bottle at Whole Foods. I look forward to making this for Mother’s day gifts. I agree with you wholly, we must support products and practices that protect our already threatened bee population.
I also wonder in the future if you could recommend something like an organic hemp oil in place of almond oil? I know I could get that cheaper. I also know it’s not as stable as almond oil and might require refrigeration of the lotion.

Thanks so much.

By: jamie Sun, 16 Apr 2017 02:54:11 +0000 In reply to Ree.

Hi Ree, thanks for pointing that out. They must have changed the price since I linked to it awhile ago. It’s tough though since conventional almonds are one of the most sprayed crops and are a huge contributor to bee and colony deaths. However I’d be interested to know if you find some more reasonably priced organic almond oil!
