Comments on: Is a pain free natural birth possible? – My Experience Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Sat, 17 Aug 2024 09:31:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jamie Sat, 17 Aug 2024 09:31:29 +0000 In reply to Diana.

Not sure if you gave birth yet, but I’m rooting for you! My latest birth from a few months ago was a rough experience so I can relate. It really can be a wonderful experience though and I hope you’re able to have that.

By: Diana Wed, 20 Mar 2024 19:25:27 +0000 Thanks for the read. I’m looking forward to a natural birth with my second next month. I’m really hoping things go better this time. My first ended up being an emergency c-section. The placenta was inflamed and no longer working well due to recent illness and baby was in poor shape, so they tried to induce me. That was quickly followed by fetal distress, but I don’t regret trying for a vaginal birth the first time.

I’m hoping to labor naturally this time and get my VBAC. I am both nervous and excited. I love reading other people’s experiences. I find them so encouraging.

By: jamie Sat, 20 Feb 2016 17:17:01 +0000 In reply to Meredith @ Mommy A to Z.

Thanks for the comment Meredith! Unfortunately most C-sections in the US are performed out of convenience for the Dr. or because outdated or dangerous procedures (like Pitocin and laboring in the supine position) caused the baby to go into distress. My friend Jennifer’s book “Your Baby Your Way” covers the dangerous C-section rate we have here and was really eye opening for me. I recommend it to all moms! The Business of Being Born is a great documentary too for those who don’t have time to read a book.

By: Meredith @ Mommy A to Z Sat, 20 Feb 2016 05:19:12 +0000 These are great tips, and a natural birth sounds like a hard but incredible experience. I was never able to have one, as my first was an emergency C-section and then the doctors insisted on a C-section for the second, as they didn’t do VBAC. I’m not sure I would have had your courage and great approach…but you make me think it’s possible! Thanks for linking up at the Manic Mondays blog hop!

By: Jennifer A Thu, 18 Feb 2016 03:20:23 +0000 I wouldn’t say my natural labors were without pain, but the births were awesome anyway. I know that feeling of going inside yourself well, I just became an observer during birth. And the time to start pushing is the most awesome time ever. Suddenly all that pain turns useful. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words on the Homestead Blog Hop!

By: Shirley Wood Sat, 13 Feb 2016 11:22:32 +0000 Pain is such a dictator, isn’t it. Both of my girls are grown but we never remember the pain and reflecting on their birth stories. My second child wasn’t quite as painful as the first. I had natural birth with both but did get the epi at the last minute. Thank you for sharing with us at Merry Monday.

By: jamie Thu, 11 Feb 2016 04:03:01 +0000 In reply to Madeline Gould.

That makes me so happy to hear Madeline 🙂 I had no idea what birth could (and should!) be for the longest time, so I’m glad to pass the hope on.

By: Madeline Gould Thu, 11 Feb 2016 02:17:15 +0000 Thank you for this beautiful post. I had no idea that birth could be like the experience you described. Like you, I’ve also heard the horror stories for years. And they scared me so much so as to be absolutely terrified of childbirth. It is very comforting to know that it can be a beautiful, spiritual experience.
