Comments on: Should I Ingest Essential Oils? Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Tue, 07 Jan 2020 04:19:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamie Tue, 07 Jan 2020 04:18:11 +0000 In reply to Therese.

You can email me using this form here. I just updated the link in the article too, sorry about that! I believe her name is Lea Jacobson now. There are a few aromatherapy and essential oil facebook groups a lot of professionals hang out in and I’ve seen it discussed there. The Franklin Institute of Wellness has solid, evidence based information and I would recommend that over the Using Essential Oils Safely group.

I also like the books by Shirley and Penny Price. This one on using essential oils with babies and children is good, just ignore the one mention of using oils to flavor water. I believe that’s not in the 2nd edition, however the 2nd edition is very hard to find.,aps,152&sr=8-12&&linkCode=ll1&tag=hotojuaban-20&linkId=de11ddc6d740d9496f1953fda75a08c1&language=en_US

By: Therese Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:01:09 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Linda – Where can I learn about this Lea Harris scandal?? I just recommended her website to a pregnant friend!! AND sent a link to her brand opinions article to my Chiropractor!! (A google search yielded nothing.)

And Jamie – LOVE this article. The link to contact you about your personal eo opinions is broken but I am interested.

By: jamie Wed, 04 May 2016 18:42:24 +0000 In reply to Jana.

Of course 🙂 Link backs to the article are always welcome, just as long as the article itself isn’t republished.

By: Jana Wed, 04 May 2016 17:04:47 +0000 This is a fantastic article. You have made some great points.
May I refer my clients to this article in my email newsletter?

By: jamie Fri, 29 Jan 2016 20:58:52 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Thanks for your comment Linda! I agree that there should be an evidence based middle ground here so that safety and efficiency can meet. Lea Harris is a certified aromatherapist, however her training isn’t as evidence based as I’d like and she’s even more conservative than most aromatherapists. I’m aware that she started consulting for edens garden and a new brand. I’ve had issues with Edens garden in quality before so I stopped buying from them. I really like the integrity and purity of the company I’m buying from now though.

By: Linda Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:04:47 +0000 I love this article – finally someone speaks the truth and finds a middle ground in all the madness that is out there. Aromatherapists are scare mongering people into not using oils as much as they can. Even worse they are telling them to buy low quality fake oils in some cases because they never actually looked into the quality at all. People believe them because they are certified- Check out the recent scandal with Lea Harris (Self Proclaimed EO Safety Expert) and the new line of oils she was consulting on and recommending to all of her followers on Facebook. It turns out she never bothered to even check their basic quality tests before joining them and promoting their line. All she does is try to discredit MLM brands who actually do go to the greatest lengths to test their oils for purity. This is exactly what is wrong with blindly trusting a person because they have an Aromatherapy certification and they fill you with fear about other brands that they compete with who are better. I also think we need to tighten up on what the MLM’s are telling people in terms of safety but we are getting there. If more articles like this were written and good courses like the one you mentioned people might actually get to the bottom of what is actually true about how to use oils in the best way for their health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you 🙂

By: Raia Thu, 17 Sep 2015 20:20:14 +0000 I’ve read a few different articles on this subject, and tried ingesting vs. not ingesting on my own. I still don’t know where I stand, but I guess it’s good to always be open to new info. Thanks so much for sharing this at Savoring Saturdays – I really do think it’s a very important topic that most people probably don’t think through.
