Comments on: Natural hair loss treatment to restore hair Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Thu, 22 Apr 2021 14:05:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamie Thu, 22 Apr 2021 14:05:20 +0000 In reply to K.

The longer you can leave it in the better, but this should be applied at least once a week, if not several times a week for best results. I would at least leave it in all day or overnight and then wash if needed.

By: K Thu, 22 Apr 2021 11:57:30 +0000 What do i do the following day after this treatment? I assume my hair will look very stringy and oily. Do i just wash it as normal in the shower or must i wait a day or so for the treatment to work? Thanks

By: jamie Tue, 29 Nov 2016 20:20:22 +0000 In reply to JaneEllen Jones.

HI JaneEllen, thanks for your comment! The paleo diet, especially the autoimmune paleo diet is really great for reversing autoimmune conditions like hypothyroid. And connecting with a naturopath or clinical herbalist in your area who can help you add in the right supplements is also super helpful. The essential oils above were shown to help improve hair growth, and I honestly don’t know of another natural product that has been shown to be as effective as the above recipe, so it may be worth a try 🙂

If you’re willing to make changes, there is a lot that can be done to help improve your health issues 🙂

By: JaneEllen Jones Tue, 29 Nov 2016 07:33:45 +0000 I haven’t tried any treatments for thinning hair, just keep hair clean. I have had hypothyroidism since I was born, mine didn’t work at all. Was 6 weeks old before doctor figured out problem. This was in 1940 in Cleveland, OH. My condition wasn’t something common at that time so was lucky pediatrician figured it out. Was also late being born by 3 weeks.
Since have gotten older have noticed hair on top of head getting thinner, starting to concern me. Am aware that thinning hair is side effect of hypothyroidism. There is so much info on internet now about my situation. If somehow I can forestall losing hair all together on top am willing to do that, in healthy way. If I can afford it.
With all info available have never heard of anybody else like myself whose thyroid didn’t work at birth.
There are several products available for thinning hair but am very suspect of them. Not in financial position to try things that won’t work or aren’t healthy. I tend to be anemic and have depression and anxiety along with arthritis and also lymphedema in left leg.
Will be interested in hearing your ideas if you care to respond. Please send me email.

Have wonderful week
