Comments on: Herb infused homemade hand lotion for working hands Real food, DIY recipes, and all things herbal Wed, 07 Apr 2021 17:24:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamie Wed, 07 Apr 2021 17:24:58 +0000 In reply to Naomi Waldner.

I’m sorry it’s not working out for you Naomi! Do you follow the directions exactly or did you use substitutions, more or less of something, or miss one of the instructions? Do you use a scale to measure the beeswax? It might be that it’s not emulsifying properly. I have to add a very thin stream of water as the blender is running, starting with a tiny trickle. Otherwise it breaks the emulsion and it won’t thicken.

If you’re following the instructions exactly and it’s still not turning out you can decrease the water. Maybe try 1/3 cup instead of a 1/2? You could also add more beeswax in to thicken. Let me know how it turns out!

By: Naomi Waldner Tue, 06 Apr 2021 21:45:04 +0000 It stays thin and runny. What am I doing wrong?! I try to follow the instructions as much as possible. But clearly Iā€™m missing something. I see a lot of potential in the ingredients but....please help me out.]]> I made a 3rd attempt with this lotion, it simply does not turn out! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø It stays thin and runny. What am I doing wrong?! I try to follow the instructions as much as possible. But clearly Iā€™m missing something. I see a lot of potential in the ingredients but….please help me out.

By: jamie Tue, 10 Dec 2019 05:02:39 +0000 In reply to Nina.

If you’re using an oil that’s already infused with calendula I would just use it to replace some of the carrier oil. So you could cut the carrier oil down to 6 Tablespoons and infuse the dandelion, then add 1/4 cup of calendula oil in after you’ve strained the other herbs out. If the comfrey extract has an alcohol base it might mess with the recipe a little too much and I’d probably just omit it. Alcohol can be very drying to skin so it might be counterproductive.

By: Nina Sun, 08 Dec 2019 15:58:30 +0000 Hi Jamie, Can I use calendula oil and comfrey extract instead of the leaves. And if so, how much do I need to use of both? Thanks, Nina

By: jamie Mon, 19 Feb 2018 17:26:19 +0000 In reply to Valerie Johnston.

Yes, as long as there’s at least 1/2 cup of oil it should work. Dried herbs absorb the oil when infusing, which is why I added the extra 2 Tbsp šŸ™‚ I would just stop drizzling in the water once the mixture gets thick to prevent the emulsion from breaking.

By: Valerie Johnston Fri, 09 Feb 2018 01:06:23 +0000 I love your replies to the preservative issues! I’ve done a lot of research on these things as well and you are absolutely right! I am getting ready to try this and was just wondering if, since you use 1/2 cup + of Almond oil to infuse, is 1/2 cup of oil what is actually used in the recipe? I ask because I usually lose a bit in the infusing process AND I have all these oils infused seperetely so was hoping the measurement of 1/2 cup is the actual amount. Thank you

By: jamie Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:14:20 +0000 In reply to Laura L.

You may have to play around with the beeswax used to get the consistency you’re looking for, but you can absolutely just make a salve. Hydrosol’s (when a proper preservative is added) generally last about a year, so you could replace the distilled water with a hydrosol as well. Keep in mind though that if you just use oils this will be a lot heavier on the skin and may feel greasy. You could also try replacing the water with a thinner carrier oil, like grapeseed, but just add it with the sweet almond oil.

By: Laura L Sun, 29 Jan 2017 19:14:56 +0000 Can I just skip the water and have it be more of a balm or salve instead of a lotion to make it a little more shelf stable to last a bit longer and not worry about it going bad with the water? Will it work without the water or will it need something else to make it more of a balm or slave? Thanks!

By: Lauren @ Hillsborough Homesteading Tue, 24 Jan 2017 12:30:28 +0000 What a fantastic recipe! I’ve definitely added it to my list of things to make. Thank you for sharing with the Homestead Blog Hop! Hope to see you again next Wednesday.

By: jamie Mon, 03 Oct 2016 17:15:28 +0000 In reply to Janna Pen.

I agree, you do have to assess the risk for both sides. Like you I’ve also done extensive research on preservatives, natural ones like red radish root filtrate and citrozine, parabens and phenoxyethanol, etc. For me I prefer not to use preservatives like parabens where there is strong evidence that they’re hormone disruptors, and can cause infertility and breast cancer.

All essential oils have some antimicrobial effects, while some are anti-bacterial, or anti-viral, so they can in certain situations prevent microbial growth in products. Here’s just one example of the antibacterial effects of , but this site has lots of other scientific studies you can look through on essential oils having anti-microbial effects. If you’d like a good book that goes into some more depth, then Shirley Price’s book Aromatherapy for Health Professionals is very helpful.

Also you can use the flower hydrosol option which has a shelf life of 12-18 months, and since the carrier oils have a shelf life of 1-2 years, then using the product within 2-3 months shouldn’t cause any issues. If the lotion does however smell off in any way, then it shouldn’t be used. I’m not sure how you would get pneumonia from a lotion though, since it’s caused by inhaled or in rare cases ingested microbes? Thank you for your thoughtful comment šŸ™‚
