Upcoming events
19 January |
Virtual |
WATHI x CSAO Round table "Political and security perspectives in the Sahel for 2023" |
Past events
6-8 December |
Virtual |
37th RPCA Annual Meeting, ''Women, conflict and food and nutrition issues” |
22-23 November | Niamey | |
12 July |
Virtual event |
"From Data to Policy Action: Tackling Gender-Based Discrimination in |
21-22 June |
Virtual event | Meeting of the SWAC Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) |
8-9 April |
Virtual event | Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
29 March |
Webinar | Launch of the new security report: Conflict Networks in North and West Africa, webinar organised by the Sahel Coalition | presentation |
1 March |
Virtual event |
DevTalks: Women and Conflict in West Africa | Concept note | Key messages | Replay |
3 December | Virtual meeting | 36th annual meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
8 September | Virtual meeting | SWAC Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) meeting |
3 July | Webinar | Africa's Urbanisation Dynamics 2020: Africapolis, Mapping a New Urban Geography, organised by the Fondazione ENI |
2 April | Virtual meeting | RPCA restricted meeting |
7 February | Addis Ababa | Launch of the report Africa's Urbanisation Dynamics 2020 at an event co-organised by AUDA-NEPAD and SWAC/OECD on "Africa's Urban Realities: Better Cities for an Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Continent". |
10 February | Abu Dhabi | Presentation of the report Africa's Urbanisation Dynamics 2020 and Africapolis at the 10th World Urban Forum |
14 February | Munich | Launch of the report The Geography of Conflict in North and West Africa at the Munich Security Conference. |
Archived events
9 December | Paris, France | 35th RPCA annual meeting |
19 June | Paris, France | SWAC Strategy and Policy Group meeting (SPG) |
4-5 April | Brussels, Belgium | Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
4 April | Brussels, Belgium | Launch of the report "Women and Trade Networks in West Africa" |
27 March | Brussels, Belgium | External Cooperation Infopoint presentation “Visualise Urbanisation in Africa”. Organised in collaboration with DG DEVCO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. |
4-5 April | Brussels, Belgium | Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
4 April | Brussels, Belgium | Launch of the report "Women and Trade Networks in West Africa" |
27 March | Brussels, Belgium | External Cooperation Infopoint presentation “Visualise Urbanisation in Africa”. Organised in collaboration with DG DEVCO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. |
12 December | Vienna, Austria | Workshop on women, the food economy and networks in West Africa hosted by the Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA), in co-operation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) |
3-8 December | Banjul, Gambia | Sahel and West Africa Week, including the 34th RPCA annual meeting |
22 November | Marrakesh, Morocco | Launch of the Africapolis data portal at the 2018 Africities Summit |
31 October | Paris | “Africapolis: Data for Africa’s Urban Future”, 18th International Economic Forum on Africa |
27 September | Paris | SWAC/OECD Webinar Series: Identifying the Factors Driving West African Migration |
3-4 July | Cotonou, Benin | Seminar on Cross-Border Development in the Sahel, organised by UEMOA and the Sahel and West Africa Club |
28 June | Paris | SWAC webinar "Food Employment in West Africa" |
18-19 June | Paris |
SWAC Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) meeting and Seminar |
16-18 April | Paris |
Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
21 March | ||
9 March | Paris |
Why women and girls matter in West Africa: A closer look at inequalities and social institutions |
21-23 February | Niamey | Regional consultation on the pastoral situation in the Sahel and West Africa |
4-8 December | Cotonou | Sahel and West Africa Week 2017 |
29 November - 4 December | Niamey | Conference on "Linking borderlands research and policy in Africa and Europe: Tackling translation challenges" |
27 November | Abidjan | 1st Africa-Europe Local Government Forum organised by UCLG Africa, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and Platforma |
14 November | Bonn | COP 23: Task Force on the Access of African Cities and Territories to Climate Finance – Roadmap and Call for Action,organised by UCLG Africa and Energies 2050, organised by UCLG Africa and Energies 2050 |
29 September | Paris | Symposium on "Economic, Migration and Security Integration in the Sahara-Sahel: Policy Diagnosis and Prospective", Higher Council for Strategic Training and Research (CSFRS). Hosted by the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC/OECD) |
18-20 September | Conakry |
Restricted meeting of the Regional System for the Prevention and Management of Food Crises (PREGEC) within the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) |
30 June | Basel |
Presentation of "Cross-border Co-operation and Policy Networks in West Africa" at the 7th European Conference on African Studies: "Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban", Center for African Studies Basel and Swiss Society for African Studies |
16 June | Paris |
SWAC Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) meeting |
8 June | Madrid |
Presentation on "The Sahel: Challenges and Opportunities" at the International Affairs and Foreign Policy Institute (INCIPE) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation (MAEC) |
19 May | Paris |
Presentation at conference on “Regional integration in West Africa: Border and cross-border challenges” organised by the ASCPE (“Les Entretiens Européens & Eurafricains"). |
16 May | Brussels | External Cooperation Infopoint presentation on “Food Security: At the Heart of the Solution to Demographic, Migration and Security Challenges”. Organised in collaboration with Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission. Presentation & video. |
27 April | Madrid |
International Conference on “Africa in the perspective of the G20", presentation by SWAC Secretariat Director Laurent Bossard |
10-12 April | Paris |
Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA), including the Senior Experts' Group meeting of the Global Alliance for Resilience (AGIR) |
20 March | Brussels |
Brussels Briefing 48: Rural – Urban Linkages in Africa + webstream. SWAC presentationon employment opportunities in West African food systems. |
24 February | Oslo |
Oslo Humanitarian Conference on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region |
23-25 February | Gainesville, Florida |
2017 Annual Carter Conference in African Studies: "On the Edge: What Future for the African Sahel?", Center for African Studies at the University of Florida |
14-16 décembre |
Dakar |
31e réunion du Réseau de prévention des crises alimentaires (RPCA) |
2 décembre |
Le Bourget/Paris |
Réunion en marge de la COP21 sur les contributions des institutions régionales face au changement climatique |
23-25 novembre |
Niamey |
Réunion technique du PREGEC pour évaluer les résultats provisoires de la campagne sylvo-agro-pastorale 2015-16 |
17-19 novembre |
Dakar |
Conférence internationale autour du 10e anniversaire de la Politique agricole commune de la CEDEAO (ECOWAP+10) |
26-30 octobre |
Milan |
Semaine du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest 2015, Expo Milano 2015 |
3-7 octobre |
Lomé |
Réunion d'experts en vue de la préparation de la conférence international sur ECOWAP+10 |
14-19 septembre |
Ouagadougou |
Réunions techniques des travaux RPCA : PREGEC, évaluation externe de la Charte et mécanisme de veille |
11 juin |
Paris |
4 juin | Bruxelles |
Sécurité alimentaire, résilience et changement structurel en Afrique de l'Ouest, débat mené aux Journées européennes du développement (EDD15) |
2-6 mars | Lomé | Réunion restreinte du Réseau de prévention des crises alimentaires (RPCA) |
15 avril | Bamako |
15-19 décembre | Bruxelles | Semaine du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest 2014 |
22 octobre | Paris | Protocole d'accord signé entre l'agence du NEPAD et le CSAO/OCDE |
15-17 octobre | Lomé | Rencontre entre le représentant spécial du CSAO et le président du Togo |
23 juillet | Paris | Rencontre entre l'envoyée spéciale des Nations unies pour le Sahel et le Secrétaire général de l'OCDE |
17 juin | Paris | Réunion du Groupe d'orientation politique (GOP) |
16 juin | Paris | Séminaire du CAD/CSAO : défis régionaux d'une coopération efficace au Sahara-Sahel |
14-16 avril | Paris | Réunion restreinte du Réseau de prévention des crises alimentaires (RPCA) |
27-29 mai | N'Djaména | Colloque régional sur l’élevage pastoral |
25-29 novembre | Abidjan | Séminaire du CAD/CSAO : défis régionaux d'une coopération efficace au Sahara-Sahel |
28 novembre | Abidjan | Forum 2013 : avenir des espaces saharo-sahéliens |
12 juin | Paris | Colloque : le complexe « sécurité et développement » |
4-8 décembre | Ouagadougou | Semaine du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest 2012 |
7 décembre | Ouagadougou | Forum 2012 : peuplement, marché et sécurité alimentaire |
14-15 juin | Paris | G20 - session Afrique : volatilité des prix agricoles et alimentaires |
5-6 décembre | Praia | Forum 2011 : l'Afrique de l'Ouest et le Brésil face aux enjeux des énérgies renouvables |
7-8 décembre | Accra | Forum 2010 : solidarité régionale face aux crises alimentaires |
9 décembre | Bamako | Forum 2009 : pressions sur les terres ouest-africaines |