How to Make Throat Spray for Powerful Relief

By Jamie
March 3, 2016

Soothing throat spray - The Herbal SpoonSpring is right around the corner and I’m more than ready to be done with the winter blahness. Winter isn’t quite ready to leave though, and it’s gifted us with some scratchy throats while it sticks around. Fortunately, this soothing throat spray is the perfect way to relieve that scratchy feeling!

I’m no stranger to essential oils and use them in just about everything, from this soothing scalp spray, to this blemish busting face mask recipe. They’re not only great for beauty care recipes, but they really promote wellness throughout the whole body.

Each essential oil has a plethora of uses, but I chose the following for their specific soothing properties. All of these are powerful at keeping the body well and fighting seasonal threats. This spray can also be used when you get that feeling a scratchy throat is coming on.

Soothing essential oils

Clove essential oil provides a numbing feeling and has a wide history of use as a teething remedy for cranky babies. I’ve used it to soothe and numb a tooth before when I couldn’t get to the dentist right at the moment. When it’s used in a throat spray, it helps soothe and provide a feeling of numbness to the throat. Clove is a hot oil though and should never be used undiluted, especially on mucus membranes like the mouth and throat!

Peppermint is also in this mix for its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s frequently used to cool the body and creates a feeling of open airways by thinning mucus and activating cold receptors in the nasal passages. This is also a hot oil and should be used with respect.

I’ve also used lemon in here for it’s fantastic ability to help the body cleanse. It’s anti-inflammatory and stimulates the body’s lymphatic system. Juniper berry finishes out the essential oils with strong antioxidant properties.

Safely diluting essential oils

Sraying undiluted essential oils in the mouth can burn mucus membranes and cause damage. You can read more about how I safely ingest essential oils in this post, and why you would want to. And no, water doesn’t count for diluting when it comes to a non-water soluble substance like essential oils. I typically dilute with a carrier oil, however essential oils will also mix well with honey.

Raw honey has an extensive history of treating many issues in (and on) the body. I use it in my homemade honey face wash for its gentle ability to prevent and improve blemishes. It also makes a great addition to this soothing throat spray. Not only does raw honey dilute the essential oils, but it’s antibacterial and ant-viral as well.

Use essential oils wisely

What oils you use matters. Quality essential oils make a difference in effectiveness and safety. Another word of warning. Peppermint is not recommended for very young children. I also can’t recommend spraying anything on the back of a young child’s throat.

Soothing throat spray - The Herbal Spoon

Soothing throat spray



  1. Combine the essential oils and raw honey together in the glass bottle. I use one of these mini funnels when filling small bottles to prevent spills.
  2. Add enough filtered or distilled water so that the bottle is almost full.
  3. Cap the bottle and shake vigorously to mix well.
  4. Shake well before each use. Spray inside the throat as needed to soothe.
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Join the Conversation

  1. What an awesome recipe for a throat spray – i will share this everywhere! Blessings!

  2. This looks great! I could have used this a lot last month! Thankfully we are over being sick, but I am definitely keeping this recipe on hand for when I could use it. Thanks!

  3. As I write this comment, my husband is coughing, sneezing, wheezing and complaining of a sore throat in our bedroom. It is so fortuitous that you shared this DIY soothing throat spray with us at the Healthy Happy Green Natural Party! I need to whip up a batch right away! Thank you! I’m Pinning and sharing this!

  4. Thanks for sharing over at the DIY Crush Craft Party. I’ll have to remember this next time I have a sore throat! We’ve added this to our Pinterest board. Don’t forget to stop by on Thursday to add your tutorials to our next craft party!

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