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DIY Immune boosting hand sanitizer with essential oils that won't destroy your skin's protective acid mantle - The Herbal Spoon

As a nanny, teacher, and caregiver, I’ve had more than my fair share of germ exposure. At home I often use homemade foaming hand soap, but that won’t work when I’m grabbing a  grocery cart at Walmart. A natural DIY hand sanitizer with essential oils is just the thing to safely keep nasty germs at bay.

More than Dry Skin

A few years ago the FDA banned triclosan, the active ingredient in many hand sanitizers. Scientists speculate this chemical may contribute to antibacterial resistance and according to the FDA it’s not safe for pregnant women. But the ingredients that replaced triclosan aren’t much better.

Hand Sanitizers can Cause Skin Damage

Most hand sanitizers, even natural ones, use crazy high amounts of alcohol – about 70 percent. It may kill germs, but it’s also doing something more sinister to our health. Alcohol breaks down the skin’s protective acid mantle, which destroys the body’s natural defenses, and damages its ability to defend against further damage. Hand sanitizers can also cause wrinkles along with the damaged skin.

Cancer risk

Even worse, one study found 3 percent alcohol applied to skin for two days, caused cell death to jump by 26 percent! The more often alcohol is used on skin, the greater the damage. Even in small amounts alcohol causes inflammation and destroys our cells ability to defend against cancer causing free radicals.

We can’t completely avoid germs, but we also don’t want to destroy skin cells in the fight against bacteria.

Natural Hand Sanitizer Without Alcohol

Conventional brands rely on alcohol to kill germs but there’s more than one way to get the job done. Essential oils have a wide array of antimicrobial properties that kick germs butt. I chose cinnamon leaf and orange essential oil for this recipe, or you can buy a pre-made germ fighting blend. Tea tree, clove, oregano, thyme, and bay essential oils are also good germ fighting options.

DIY immune boosting hand sanitizer with essential oils - The Herbal Spoon

How to Make Scented Hand Sanitizer

Take a whiff of most hand sanitizers and your nose will be left with a burning sensation from all that alcohol. The artificial fragrances some add to mask the smell only add to the health risks. Essential oils are my go to because they help fight germs and smell amazing.

Hand Sanitizer with Essential Oils

Certain essential oils may smell nice, but they don’t play so nice with skin. Cinnamon is one of those. Cinnamon bark and cassia cinnamon can easily irritate skin, causing rashes and burns when used in too high a concentration. While cinnamon bark in general should be kept below .07 percent, cinnamon leaf is safe up to .6 percent.

However, cinnamon is a germ fighting powerhouse so I’ve included cinnamon leaf in my diy hand sanitizer recipe. Orange is another favorite antibacterial essential oil of mine and is gentle on skin. Unlike some citrus oils, orange is not phototoxic and won’t increase sun damage.

Is Homemade Hand Sanitizer Effective?

That’s the magic question, isn’t it? A study published by Oxford University Press looked at cinnamon’s effect on bacteria. Researchers discovered cinnamon essential oil is effective against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. A 2017 study, Essential oil components of orange peels and antimicrobial activity, found orange essential oil is also effective against a wide array of pathogens.

There’s a catch though. We have to use enough essential oil for it to kill the germs. When we overdilute essential oils they lose their efficacy, are a wasted effort, and can be dangerous.  The diy hand sanitizer recipe below uses essential oils that are diluted so they’ll be both safe and effective.

What About WHO?

But hold up… doesn’t the World Health Organization (WHO) say only alcohol makes a working hand sanitizer? While it’s true the WHO recommends you put 75-80 percent alcohol on your hands, I’m not comfortable with that for the reasons mentioned earlier. Groups like the CDC and WHO have their place, but they also don’t recognize the growing body of literature showing the antimicrobial properties of essential oils on skin. The best solution is to always wash your hands with non-antibacterial soap and water, but hand sanitizers help in certain situations. Like at the gas station or grocery store.

This recipe is for those that prefer a more natural option. Like any homemade product though it isn’t officially tested and verified to be 100% effective. Personally I feel much better using this homemade hand sanitizer for myself and my kids. If you want to opt for an alcohol version though, then feel free to replace the distilled water with 70% isopropyl alcohol and 1 tsp glycerin.

Natural Hand Sanitizer: Not Just for Hands

DIY hand sanitizer spray is good for your hands, but I also use it on door knobs, shopping cart handles, and strangers on airplanes. I actually don’t spray down strangers with homemade hand sanitizer, but my friend Debbie does… or at least the air around them.

However you choose to use it, DIY hand sanitizer will make the germs scream and run in terror. Without destroying your skin and causing free radical damage.

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The Best Natural Sunscreens For Kids and Babies Thu, 25 Jul 2019 21:34:37 +0000 Little ones delicate skin requires special attention, especially during the summer. With so many natural sunscreens for kids that claim to be healthy, it’s hard to know what’s best for kid’s skin. In this post I cut through the hype and show you: The best sunscreens for baby and kids, and why even many natural ...

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The best natural sunscreens for kids and babies PLUS why we need healthy sun exposure! - The Herbal Spoon

Little ones delicate skin requires special attention, especially during the summer. With so many natural sunscreens for kids that claim to be healthy, it’s hard to know what’s best for kid’s skin. In this post I cut through the hype and show you:

  • The best sunscreens for baby and kids, and why even many natural ones are toxic
  • Why no sunscreen (sometimes) is a good thing
  • Kid approved sunburn treatment

Why We Need the Sun

Cancer rates have gone up since sunscreen first came on the scene. Research has found sunscreen chemicals create free radicals that actually cause cancer. In a 2016 study from the Journal of Internal medicine, scientists followed over 29,000 women for 20 years and tracked their sunscreen habits. What they found was shocking (Lindqvist, et al, 2016).

“Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking. Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was reduced by 0.6–2.1 years.” – source

So staying out of the sun may be as bad for you as smoking and (added bonus) you’re more likely to die earlier.

The Importance of Sun Exposure

As a homeschooling family, we try to spend a lot of time outside, including for nature study. The fresh air and sunshine not only refresh our spirits, but it has long-lasting health benefits.

When sun rays hit skin it triggers the body to make vitamin D. Despite what we’ve been told milk is a poor source of vitamin D and many foods (including pasteurized milk) are fortified with the synthetic version. The best way to get vitamin D is from sun exposure, but that can’t happen if we always lather up in sun block (Plourde, 2019).

Low vitamin D is linked with type 1 diabetes, depression, bone loss, hair loss, back and muscle pain, slow healing wounds, obesity, frequent infections, and tiredness. Sunshine also controls the circadian rhythms that tell us when to wake up and when it’s bedtime. We need sunshine on our skin to make cholesterol sulfate to stabilize red blood cells and prevent plaque buildup in arteries (Plourde, 2019).

Eat your Sunscreen

Sunrays interact with our skin to create vitamin D, but they can also cause free radical damage that lead to skin cancer. An antioxidant rich diet is like sun protection from the inside out. Antioxidants help prevent damage from the sun, and keep skin healthy and nourished. According to scientists in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the foods with the most antioxidants include (Wu, et al, 2004):

  • blueberry (wild blueberries have more antioxidants than cultivated)
  • cranberry
  • artichoke
  • blackberry
  • prune
  • raspberry
  • strawberries
  • apples

The best natural sunscreens for kids and babies PLUS why we need healthy sun exposure! - The Herbal Spoon

Antioxidant protection in sunscreen

It’s not as simple as healthy eating though. When the sun hits sunscreen on us it creates free radicals that can do damage. Most sunscreens sink into our skin and create free radical damage deep in the epidermis. Zinc oxide however sits on top of skin and generates free radicals there (Plourde, 2019).

The best sunscreens will have zinc oxide to avoid free radical activity underneath skin’s surface and antioxidants to protect from free radical damage.

Should we Ditch Sunscreen for Kids?

While sun exposure is important for a healthy, vibrant life, some situations call for sunscreen. Sunburns are painful, but they also do serious skin damage that can lead to health issues. As a teen I visited family in sunny Florida for a few weeks to soak up the sun. I had too much of a good thing though and my perfect tan was a patchy, peeling mess by the end of my trip.

I don’t use sunscreen on myself or family when we’re outside for a few hours, but now I always grab a tube of sunscreen for a day at the beach. However, it’s important it’s the right sunscreen!

Sunscreen for Babies Under 6 Months

The FDA recommends parents don’t slather babies under 6 months in sunscreen, instead we’re urged to opt for protective clothes and sun avoidance. I’m not a big fan of the FDA (that’s an understatement), but they make a good point. According to pediatrician Hari Cheryl Sachs, M.D.

“Babies’ skin is less mature compared to adults, and infants have a higher surface-area to body-weight ratio compared to older children and adults… Infant’s exposure to the chemicals in sunscreens may be much greater, increasing the risk of side effects from the sunscreen.” – Sachs

However, toxic sunscreen doesn’t magically become safe as we age. This is why it’s important my sunscreen is as safe for my little ones as it is for me. For the youngest of us, here’s how to prevent sunburn in babies 6 months and younger.

Sun Protection for Infants

Dress baby in protective clothing: long sleeves, pants and hats. Choose lightweight clothing to prevent overheating, but not so thin it won’t offer protection. Sun protection clothing for little ones block UV rays and come in tons of cute patterns.

Get some sun-time for healthy vitamin D, but don’t overdo it. Baby should be in the shade if out for a long period.

Keep baby hydrated with plenty of breastmilk and/or water.

How to Prevent Sunburn in Little Ones

Like babies under 6 months, little ones can benefit from protective clothing and shade time. However, older babies and kids can also use sunscreen. Not all natural sunscreens for kids are created equal. Some are gritty and hard to apply, while others are full of toxic ingredients yet claim to be safe.

Sunscreens: More Toxic than UV Rays

Sunscreen chemicals designed to block UVA and UVB rays include titanium dioxide, oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, and several others. These chemicals are endocrine and hormone disruptors. Both animal and human studies have shown these sunscreen chemicals absorb into the blood where they deposit into organs and become toxic to brain cells (Plourde, 2019).

Sunscreen chemicals are even more likely to harm young children because their skin absorbs more.

Researchers have found sunscreen chemicals in 85% of breast milk samples, so nursing moms can pass the toxins onto their little ones. According to biochemist Erik Kreider, just one application of sunscreen is equivalent to daily hormone therapy for menopause! (Kimball & Kreider, 2015).

The Problem with Natural Sunscreens

Many natural sunscreens aren’t any better. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are often in natural sunscreens for kids, but they have their own problems. Manufacturers turn these chemicals into nano size particles to prevent that pasty white lifeguard look. Yet nano particles absorb deeper into skin where they can do more damage.

While they do rub in better, a 2015 study found both regular and nano size titanium dioxide cause damage to cell membranes. One study found products which claim to be non-nano all have some nano size particles in them, as it’s impossible to separate the two sizes (Plourde, 2019).

The best natural sunscreens for kids and babies PLUS why we need healthy sun exposure! - The Herbal Spoon

The Best Natural Sunscreens for Kids

While non-nano zinc oxide isn’t perfect, it’s by far the safest sun block option. Non-nano zinc oxide sits on top of skin and is less likely to absorb into the bloodstream. Micronized zinc oxide isn’t as small as the nano particles, but it rubs in clearer than other types of zinc oxide (Kimball, n.d.).

My friend Katie from Kitchen Stewardship is the sunscreen queen and her family has tested over 100 natural sunscreens if you want to go down a sunscreen rabbit hole. For the sake of time however, here are my top choices for the best natural sunscreens for kids and babies (and the rest of the family!).

EWG Safest Sunscreens

Some sunscreens rate a 1 on the EWG (Environmental Working Group) site but they still contain synthetic ingredients with little safety information. An ingredient can receive a low toxicity score (which is good),  but only because there isn’t enough information to know if it’s safe or not. I did NOT include these sunscreen options.

All of these sunscreens below contain only zinc oxide as the active ingredient and are full of antioxidants and healthy skin ingredients. No toxic or questionable chemicals!

Natural Sunburn Remedies

Sometimes sunburns happen despite our best efforts. Or if you’re like Florida teenage me and try too hard to get a sexy tan. Sticky, green dyed aloe vera goop is a popular sunburn option, but it has more synthetic chemicals than I’m comfortable using. Here are safe sunburn relief options for all ages.

Aloe vera plant – We have an aloe plant in the windowsill and I break off a piece as needed. This is as close to nature as you can get and is a fabulous way to soothe skin issues, especially sunburn.

Pure Aloe vera – This isn’t the chemical concoction found at drugstores, just aloe vera and preservative. I’m not a big preservative fan, however real aloe vera molds within days so a natural preservative is a must. I get mine here.

Herbal tea – I love my herbal salves, but oil is the last thing you want on a sunburn. Calendula and/or lavender herb regenerate damaged skin and can be made into a tea to apply to skin. You can spray it on or mix a strong brew of herbal tea into a cool bath and soak.

Soothing sunburn sprayThis diy soothing spray combines the cooling, skin repairing benefits of herbs and aloe vera. It’s not necessary to rub the cool mist in, which is good when even moving feels painful.


  • Kimball, K. (n.d.). Natural Sunscreen Review: Over 100 Mineral Sunscreens Tested by One Family! Retrieved from
  • Kimball, K and Kreider, E. (2015). Have Some Hormone Replacement Therapy with your Bikini. Retrieved from
  • Lindqvist, P, Epstein, E., Nielsen, K., Landin‐Olsson, M, Ingvar, C., & Olsson, H. (2016, March).
    Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. Journal of Internal Medicine. 280(4):375-387 doi: 10.1111/joim.12496
  • Plourde, E. (2019). Sunscreens: The Dark Side of Avoiding the Sun. Retrieved from
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). Should you put sunscreen on infants? Retrieved from
  • Wu, X., Beecher, G.,  Holden, J.,  Haytowitz, D.,  Gebhardt, S., & Prior, R. (2004, May). Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Antioxidant Capacities of Common Foods in the United States. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52(12):4026-37. DOI:10.1021/jf049696w

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20 Powerful Home Remedies for Allergy Relief Thu, 18 Apr 2019 04:29:22 +0000 I used to dread the sneezy, itchy, stuffy feeling of allergy season, but not anymore. Inflammation causes many health issues, from arthritis to allergies. But thankfully it’s possible to reverse inflammation and allergies for good! These simple home remedies for allergy relief really work. What are Seasonal Allergies? Seasonal allergies are sometimes called hay fever. ...

The post 20 Powerful Home Remedies for Allergy Relief appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.


I used to dread the sneezy, itchy, stuffy feeling of allergy season, but not anymore. Inflammation causes many health issues, from arthritis to allergies. But thankfully it’s possible to reverse inflammation and allergies for good! These simple home remedies for allergy relief really work.

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are sometimes called hay fever. The official term is allergic rhinitis. Perennial allergic rhinitis is when symptoms last all year long. According to Mayo Clinic allergy symptoms can include:

  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing and sinus drainage
  • An itchy mouth and throat
  • Tiredness

Everyday things like pollen, dust, and pet dander can trigger allergic reactions. Our bodies then release antibodies and become inflamed in an attempt to fix the problem.

Allergy Relief Without Meds

When I was young I vividly remember the dread of allergy season. My swollen tonsils ached, I sneezed constantly, and the unbearable itch drove me crazy. I was on prescription allergy medications at the ripe old age of 8, but I hated them. Lilac scented spray up the nose isn’t my idea of fun.

As a teenager, I cleaned up my diet, ate more organic food, and my allergies disappeared.
Several years ago I was exposed to toxic black mold (which took a major toll on my health) and my allergies flared. However, with a clean diet and the right home remedies for allergy relief my symptoms are under control. As I detox from the mold I’ve noticed even fewer allergy symptoms.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies?

Although pollen and dust can cause histamine reactions, they’re not the real problem. Medications, antibiotics, pesticides, and other toxins damage the gut so it becomes permeable (aka leaky gut). A damaged gut lets particles slip through and the body attacks. Allergy symptoms are the body’s way to get rid of the invader.

Our microbes play another important role that prevent allergy symptoms.

“Every mucosal surface on your body is colonized by a distinct group of microbes, including your gut lungs and nasal passages. Far from causing harm, these microbes “teach” your immune system to tolerate dietary proteins and other harmless allergens in the environment.” – (Kresser, 2019)

Strong Bodies For Natural Allergy Relief

Microbiome damage paired with a weak adrenal, immune, and digestive system equals allergies. Here are some tips to nurture gut health:

  •  Focus on real, unprocessed foods
  • Use natural sweeteners and avoid processed inflammation causing white sugar
  • Avoid pesticides in food and water
  • Use toxin-free household products  (cleaners, air fresheners, bleach, etc.)
  • Avoid unnecessary medications and antibiotics

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#1 Clean Your Plate to Ditch Allergies for Good

Certain foods can cause inflammation and leaky gut, while others strengthen the body. Often food sensitivities don’t show up on tests, so an elimination diet, like this one, is a better way to find out. Here are the top offenders to ditch for allergy relief.

Ditch the Dairy … Maybe

Even raw or organic dairy can cause inflammation, congestion, and worsen leaky gut for some. For those with allergies it’s best to get rid of the milk products, at least during allergy season. If you do want some dairy, yogurt has live probiotics which help gut health and is easier to digest (Romm, 2018).

Certain types of milk are thought to cause excess phlegm and other health problems. Cow breeds like Jersey and Guernsey make A2 milk, which is easier to digest and healthier than A1 milk. If you’re going to drink milk, local, raw, A2 milk is the best option (Mercola, 2010).

Wheat and Refined Carbs

White flour and other processed grains do a number on gut health. Many people are also sensitive to wheat proteins, like gluten. Farmers often spray wheat with toxic glyphosate which damages gut health even more. Sadly, even organic wheat in the US has high levels of glyphosate (Thomas, 2014).

#2 Do a Healing Diet

GAPS, AIP (autoimmune paleo), and the 4R program are all used to reverse allergies. The diets have some differences, yet they approach the problem the same. Healing diets eliminate inflammatory foods that trigger allergies. They also highlight nourishing foods to strengthen the body. The key to healing allergies for good is to fix gut damage and eliminate toxins.

Eating for Allergies

It’s important to drink plenty of healthy fluids to flush out toxins and irritants that cause inflammation. Healthy fats like grass-fed butter (if tolerated), coconut oil, and olive oil help lubricate tissues so they function well (McDonald, n.d.).

How to Treat Allergic Rhinitis Naturally

Eating clean, avoiding toxins, and healing the gut are vital to reversing seasonal allergies for good. In the meantime, those pesky symptoms can get on the nerves.

The good news? Even those on allergy medications (like I was) can experience natural relief. In multiple studies, many ditched their allergy meds with diet changes and the right supplements.

Supplements should ideally be started 6 weeks before allergy season. Home remedies for allergy relief need time to strengthen the body’s systems to resist allergens (Mills & Bone, 1999). Even if allergy season is in full force there’s no need to panic. These allergy remedies help decrease inflammation, reduce histamine, and many provide immediate relief.

The best natural allergy remedies and how to ditch allergies for good! - The Herbal Spoon

#3 Herbs for Allergies

The best offense is a good defense and the same is true with our immune system. Immune building herbs help the body be more resistant to allergens. Herbalist David Winston recommends echinacea to fortify the immune system and fight allergies. Winston goes on to say it may be necessary to treat allergies at a deeper level. This may include :

  • Cleansing herbs like cleavers.
  • Lymphatic detoxing herbs, like poke root.
  • Herbs that stimulate bile production to aid digestion and the removal of toxins in the body. It’s no use to release toxins if the toxins never leave! These can include dandelion and globe artichoke.
  • Herbs that cleanse and support the liver, like dandelion and milk thistle.

Our bodies have different detox pathways and when one doesn’t function well it can weaken the entire system. Our body can work like a well-oiled machine when we use herbs that target the different systems (Winston & Maimes, 2007).

#4 Reduce Stress

Stress can worsen allergies (and everything else). Researchers interviewed 179 allergy sufferers and found emotional stress caused more allergy flares (Patterson et al, 2014). Techniques like deep breathing, prayer, meditation, and minimizing stressful situations can help relieve allergy symptoms. Adaptogens, tonics, nervines and sleep aid herbs can also be added if necessary (Winston & Maimes, 2007).

  • Adaptogens and tonics (help the body adapt to stressors): Eleuthero root, ashwaganda, and tulsi (holy basil).
  • Nervines (support the nervous system): Lemon balm, catnip and chamomile.
  • Sleep aids: Kava kava, passion flower, and hops.

Using Herbs so They Work

Herbs work best when they’re tailored to the individual. I haven’t given detailed herb information here for the sake of space. If you think it’s something you need I recommend researching an herb first to see if it’s the right fit. Matching random herbs to a condition can be ineffective at least and harmful at worst.

Don’t feel confident doing it yourself? A consultation with a qualified health practitioner can be helpful.

#5 Use a Neti Pot For Instant Allergy Relief

It’s gross, it’s weird, and results are instant. Nasal irrigation or nasal washes can be done with all sorts of contraptions, but my favorite is the humble neti pot. The water goes in one nostril and out the other, taking dust, allergens, and toxins out with it. You can see how I use a neti pot for fast allergy relief here.

#6 Use An Herbal Sinus Rinse

Herbal teas soothe and restore the throat, but they can do the same thing for nasal passages. Certain herbs tighten loose tissues that cause sneezing and a runny nose, while others calm inflammation. When blended together in the right way, herbal sinus rinses are a powerful natural allergy remedy. Get all the details on how to create a custom herbal sinus rinse here. 

The best natural allergy remedies and how to ditch allergies for good! - The Herbal Spoon

#7 Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Inhaling essential oils is the perfect way to address sinus issues as they go right to the source. In this study participants smelled a blend of frankincense, sandalwood, and ravensera essential oil. At the end of the trial the essential oil group had less allergy symptoms, better quality of life, slept better, and weren’t as tired as the placebo group (Choi & Park, 2016).

  • Ravensera may not only reduce allergy symptoms, but could prevent the body from mounting an attack in the first place.
  • Frankincense reduces allergy symptoms and calms inflammation.
  • Sandalwood helps the nervous system. This oil elevates the parasympathetic nervous system. It also stimulates nerves in the nose for fewer allergic reactions.

#8 Lavender vs Steroids

This study looked at people with chronic allergies. The group that used lavender essential oil saw allergy relief similar to the group that used cortisone steroids. The cortisone group had less congestion and runny nose symptoms. The lavender oil group had less fatigue and confusion (Anushiravani et al, 2018).

While lavender essential oil may not be enough on its own to tackle every allergy symptom, it can be part of the natural solution.

#9 The Triple Threat for Allergy Relief

Lavender, lemon, and peppermint combined are a popular home remedy for allergies. These oils can be diffused or (properly) ingested. I’ll put 1 drop of each in a capsule, fill it to the top with olive oil and take 2-3 capsules a day when I need symptom relief. The following information comes from aromatherapist Julia Lawless.

  • Lavender helps reduce histamine reactions and helps respiratory issues like bronchitis and asthma.
  • Lemon, like lavender, eases respiratory issues with the added benefit of thinning mucus. I’ve found that lemon can thin mucus too much if there’s no congestion present, which results in lots of nose blowing.
  • Peppermint improves congestion and excess mucus. It calms spasms to help coughing caused by a drippy nose and provides the feel of clear breathing. Mint also helps relieve headaches which can go along with allergies.

Who Shouldn’t Use This?

Internal use of peppermint can worsen acid reflux so use caution or avoid if this is an issue. Peppermint can also decrease breastmilk supply so don’t ingest if breastfeeding. It’s also advised to avoid ingesting essential oils while pregnant (Lawless, 2013).

The best natural allergy remedies and how to ditch allergies for good! - The Herbal Spoon

Supplements and Natural Remedies for Allergies

These are best taken 6 weeks before the start of allergy season to build the body’s systems. You don’t have to take every single item on the list, and different home remedies for allergies will work better for different people.

#10 Resveratrol

The antioxidant resveratrol lowers the body’s inflammatory response to help relieve allergies. In this study those who used a resveratrol nasal spray saw reduced allergy symptoms and less inflammation compared to the placebo group (Lv et al, 2018).

How to Use Resveratrol for Allergies

Resveratrol can be found in grape juice, grapes, vinegar, roasted peanuts, raw lingonberry, and wine. LinfoVir plus nasal spray can be found here, and resveratrol supplements can be found here. Massive doses of resveratrol (about 204 grams a day for the average 150 pound person) can cause cell damage, but it would be difficult to down that much (Mukherjee et al, 2010).

#11 Quercetin

Like resveratrol, quercetin is a potent antioxidant that shows promise for allergy relief. In this study quercetin helped prevent the body from releasing histamine and lowered inflammation. The suggested dose is 400-500mg three times a day. You can find quercetin supplements here. (Scalbert, 2015), (Mlcek et al, 2016).

Quercetin rich foods include:

  • capers
  • radish leaves
  • fresh dill
  • fennel leaves
  • red onions
  • garlic
  • berries
  • kale
  • okra

#12 Vitamin C

Vitamin C is popular during cold season for immune support, but it also lowers blood histamine levels. The highest sources of vitamin C are guavas, bell peppers, kiwi, and camu camu berry.  Camu camu berry powder is my favorite way to get whole food vitamin C (not synthetic isolated supplements). One teaspoon of camu camu has 760% of your daily value of vitamin C!

Men need at least 90 mg of vitamin C daily and women need at least 75 mg. If you take more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C though you might make a rush to the toilet or have other digestive issues (NIH, 2018). You can get whole food vitamin C powder (camu camu) here.

#13 Bromelain

Found in pineapple the enzyme bromelain helps provide allergy relief. Bromelain reduces inflammation in the nose, thins mucus, and is anti-inflammatory. The recommended dose is 500-2,000 mg daily (Helms & Miller, 2006). You can get bromelain supplements here.

#14 N -acetylcysteine (NAC)

N -acetylcysteine (NAC) may be a mouthful, but this antioxidant is great for alleriges. NAC helps thins mucus and reduces nasal inflammation. One animal study found that NAC prevented inflammatory cells from building up and reduced inflammatory markers (Guibas et al, 2013).

The recommended dose is 200-500 mg, 3 times a day. Too much can cause nausea, vomiting, and other digestive discomforts. You can get NAC here.

The best natural allergy remedies and how to ditch allergies for good! - The Herbal Spoon

#15 The Best Herbs for Allergy Relief

Nettle is one of the most researched home remedies for allergy relief and abundantly available fresh in springtime. In one study allergy sufferers all saw symptom improvement after taking nettle, while 58% had zero symptoms. About half of the study participants said the nettle worked as well as their antihistamine medication (Helms & Miller, 2006).

Recommended nettle dosage is 8-12 grams a day of dried nettle, or 7-14 milliliters of nettle leaf tincture. I’ve had good success with dried nettle tea, however other herbalists say fresh is more effective (Mills & Bone, 1999). You can find nettle glycerite capsules here. 

#16 Reduce Mucus and Clear Congestion

Anti-catarrhal herbs help clear extra mucus from the respiratory system. These are useful when everything feels plugged and there’s drainage, coughing, and nose blowing. Eyebright, elder, ground ivy, mullein, and goldenseal are all good options. These can be taken as a powder or made into tea and are best taken before meals. The following information comes from Principles and Practices of Phytotherapy.

#17 Eyebright

This herb is great for itchy, irritated eyes and also reduces extra mucus in the respiratory system. Eyebright tightens mucus membranes and is anti-inflammatory for when there’s lots of sneezing and an itchy nose. There’s some evidence eyebright is antibacterial and antiviral. This makes it useful for colds with their itchy, sneezy, wet symptoms.

Eyebright is generally safe with no known precautions. The recommended dose is 2-4 gram of herb made into a tea and drank 3 times a day. Tincture dosage is 2-6 milliliters of a 1:5 tincture 3 times a day. You can get eyebright tea here, and eyebright tincture here.

#18 Soothe Itchy Eyes

Eyebright tea can also be used as a soothing compress on the eyes to relieve itchiness, redness, and inflammation. Make a tea with eyebright and soak a cloth in the solution and lay it across the eyelids. Chamomile can be used with the eyebright to calm inflammation. Some recommend using eyebright tea (impeccably strained!) as an eye wash, but I’ve never been brave enough to try it!

#19 Spikenard for better Immunity

This isn’t the same spikenard referenced in the Bible, but Aralia racemose. This type of spikenard strongly influences the autoimmune sensitivity of mucus membranes. Spikenard is helpful for itching, sneezing and coughing. The herb also strengthens coughs and thins mucus to help expel allergens.

Recommended dosage of spikenard is 5-40 drops of tincture, however it should not be used during pregnancy (Wood, 2009). You can get spikenard tincture here.

The best natural allergy remedies and how to ditch allergies for good! - The Herbal Spoon

#20 Allergy Relief Herbal Tea

This is my go to recipe for allergy symptoms and it sure beats lilac scented drugs up the nose.

Peppermint is an activator herb to boost the effectiveness and reduce excess mucus. I’ve found that lavender essential oil is more effective than the herb as an antihistamine, so I prefer to use the oil. Locally sourced honey helps alleviate allergy symptoms and safely dilutes the lavender oil to prevent irritation.

Allergy tea ingredients:

  • 1 tsp nettle leaf
  • 1 tsp peppermint leaf (substitute nettle if breastfeeding or you have acid reflux)
  • 2 tsp local raw or manuka honey
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil
  • 1 cup water

Allergy tea instructions:

  1. Combine the honey and lavender oil together in the bottom of a mug. Stir until the oil is well mixed in and looks like very tiny bubbles.
  2. Boil water in a pan, add the nettle and peppermint, turn off the heat and cover. Let the herbs steep for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea into the mug and stir to combine.
  4. Sip as needed to relieve allergy symptoms.

Do you have allergy symptoms? Which home remedies for allergy relief have worked the best for you?


  • Anushiravani, M., Bakhshaee, M., Taghipour A., Mehri M. (2018). Comparison of the therapeutic effect of the Persian Medicine Protocol with the common treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis: a randomized clinical trial. Electron Physician. 10(7), 7017-7027. doi: 10.19082/7017.
  • WebMD. (2018). How can I make my own saline solution for a neti pot? 
  • Choi, S. Park, K. (2016). Effect of Inhalation of Aromatherapy Oil on Patients with Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. doi: 10.1155/2016/7896081
  •  Guibas, G., Spandou, E., Meditskou, S., Vyzantiadis, T., Priftis, K., Anogianakis G. (2013). N-acetylcysteine exerts therapeutic action in a rat model of allergic rhinitis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 3(7), 543-9. doi: 10.1002/alr.21145
  •  Helms, S., Miller, A. (2006). Natural Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Alternative Medicine Review, 11(3).
  • Kresser, C. (2019). Got Allergies? Your microbes could be responsible.
  •  Lawless, J. (2013). The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. San Francisco, CA: Conari Press.
  •  Li, C., Lin, H., Lin, C., Hsu, T., (2019). Effectiveness of Hypertonic Saline Nasal Irrigation for Alleviating Allergic Rhinitis in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(1), 64. doi: 10.3390/jcm8010064
  • Lv, C., Zhang, Y., Shen, L. (2018). Preliminary Clinical Effect Evaluation of Resveratrol in Adults with Allergic Rhinitis. Int Arch Allergy Immunol.175(4):231-236. doi: 10.1159/000486959.
  • McDonald, J. (n.d.). Surviving Sinusitis. 
  • Mercola. (2010). Does Drinking Milk Cause Upper Respiratory Congestion. 
  • Mills, S. & Bone, K. (1999). Principles and Practices of Phytotherapy. Churchill Livingstone.
  •  Mlcek, J., Jurikova, T., Skrovankova, S., Sochor, J. (2016). Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response. Molecules. 21(5), 623. doi: 10.3390/molecules21050623
  •  Mukherjee, S., Dudley, J., Dipak, D.(2010). Dose-Dependency of Resveratrol in Providing Health Benefits. Dose Response. 8(4), 478–500. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.09-015.Mukherjee
  •  National Institutes of Health (NIH), (2018). Vitamin C Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. 
  • Patterson, A., Yildiz, V., Klatt, M., Malarkey, W. (2014). Perceived stress predicts allergy flares. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 112(4), 317–321.
  • Romm, A. (2018). Kick Your Allergies for Good by Healing Your Gut. 
  • Romm, A. (2018). An MD’s Top Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies. 
  • Scalbert, A. (2015). Phenol Explorer.
  • Thomas, J. (2014). Is Glyphosate Responsible for Your Health Problems? 
  • Winston, D. & Maimes, S. (2007) Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.

The post 20 Powerful Home Remedies for Allergy Relief appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

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How to Safely Dose Herbal Remedies for the Best Results Wed, 09 Jan 2019 19:26:25 +0000   “I want to make an herbal remedy that doesn’t work” said no one ever. There are several reasons why natural remedies don’t work sometimes, and improper dosing is a common one. I want natural remedies that are both safe and effective for my family, and correct dosage is vital for that. Thankfully it’s not ...

The post How to Safely Dose Herbal Remedies for the Best Results appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.


How to dose herbal remedies for the best results - The Herbal Spoon

“I want to make an herbal remedy that doesn’t work” said no one ever. There are several reasons why natural remedies don’t work sometimes, and improper dosing is a common one. I want natural remedies that are both safe and effective for my family, and correct dosage is vital for that. Thankfully it’s not as complicated as it seems and gets easier with practice!

In this article I’ll cover:

  • The different approaches to herbal dosing and which ones are best
  • How to dose herbal remedies for children and babies
  • How to figure dosing for different herbal preparations, like teas, syrups, and powders.
  • How to get the best results from your herbal preparations.

Why Correct Dosing is Important

I was confused by dosing herbs in the past, especially when it came to children and babies. Googling different herbal remedies also wasn’t helpful, since the recipes usually give arbitrary amounts. I want to know I use enough of the herb to be effective. I also want assurance I didn’t use too much and waste my resources, or worse, harm myself and family.

Most herbs have a much wider safety window than pharmaceutical drugs. Even something that seems as harmless as Tylenol can cause liver damage at a normal dose While herbs are generally much safer, it’s still important to me to balance safety and efficacy.

Different Approaches to Dose Natural Remedies

There are several different approaches to dosing herbs and various opinions on what’s best. Unlike drugs, herbs work synergistically with the individual to produce the best results. We know through scientific research and decades of practice how much to use of different herbs. Herbalists often tweak the dose to better fit someone’s exact needs, however different mentalities determine the start point.

Folk or Traditional Method to Dose Herbal Remedies

This is the most simple way to dose herbal remedies and also the easiest to get wrong. It involves instructions like, “throw a handful of herbs into a jar and cover with alcohol,” or “squirt a few dropperfuls into water and drink.” It often doesn’t specify the strength of the preparation and isn’t exact. The folk method is fine for something like a cup of chamomile tea in the evening to wind down. This method may not work so well to address a serious illness in the most effective way.

Let Your Body Determine the Dosage

This method relies on our bodies intuition to decide how much or how little of an herb we need. Like the folk method, it’s not exact and may not be appropriate in every situation. For example, lobelia internally can help with seizures, but only a tiny amount is needed to be effective. Too much lobelia can cause vomiting, paralysis, coma, or death (Tilgner, 2009).

Intuition based dosing isn’t always the best option for little ones either. Hand them a yummy herbal syrup and they may drink way more than necessary. Or if it’s a preparation that doesn’t taste appealing, they may not want as much as they need for it to work effectively.

General Herb Dosing Guidelines

Generalized guidelines are another way herbs are commonly dosed. An example would be to take 1 tablespoon of herbal syrup for all adults and 1 teaspoon for all children. This doesn’t take into account the strength of the preparation or the amount needed for someone’s age/weight. A 2 year old who takes 1 tsp of herbal syrup will get a lot more for their bodyweight than a 13 year old.

How to dose herbs for the best results - The Herbal Spoon

The Best Way to Dose Herbal Remedies

Each herb has its own safety and dosage guidelines. To best dose natural remedies we also have to consider the issue  treated, the person’s health history, and their age, among other factors. My favorite way to know the correct dosage for each herb is to consult a materia medica reference. A good materia medica covers:

  • Contraindications (who shouldn’t use the herb)
  • Which health issues to use the herb for
  • Which parts of the plant are used for what issue (leaves, flowers, roots, etc.)
  • How much of the herb to use depends on the preparation (tincture, tea, etc.)
  • Which preparation is best for which health issue

Below are my favorite materia medica reference books. I haven’t found many credible online sources except for the Herbal Academy’s herbarium. It’s written by experienced herbalists and contains plant monographs and informational articles like how to wildcraft herbs and how to treat ADHD. There is an annual fee, but I’ve found it well worth it to have credible information wherever I am (yes, even on my phone).

Interpret Herbal Dosage

Even though I have my favorite reference materials, they don’t spell out how to dose herbal remedies in every situation. It’s more of a start point. Here are some other things to consider for the best way to dose herbal remedies.

Acute Versus Chronic Conditions

Acute conditions  come and go quickly, like the flu or chicken pox. When dosing for an acute condition it’s best to use larger, more frequent dosing. A good rule of thumb is every 2-3 hours for the first 2-3 days. Once symptoms are gone, I continue to give a dose 3-4 times a day until 7-10 days have passed since the symptoms first started.

Chronic conditions last for months or years, like mono, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia . Instead of large doses, chronic conditions call for low doses about 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the exact need. Chronic conditions are also multi-faceted. Some symptoms may improve or go away completely, while new ones pop up. Tweak the herbs and dose used for a chronic condition. Eventually use the herbs as a maintenance supplement, or discontinue them altogether.

How to dose herbal remedies for the best results - The Herbal Spoon

How to Determine Dosage for Children

Dosages for herbs and supplements are given for an average 150 pound adult and can be adjusted from there. If the herb is safe for children, there are several different dosing rules to help determine the right dosage for children.

Clarks Dosing Rule

Clark’s rule is based on the child’s weight, so it’s especially helpful for children who are large or small for their age. It’s the one I rely on most often for my kids.

Child’s weight divided by 150, then multiply that number by the adult dose.

Example: The adult dose is 1 Tablespoon and the child weighs 70 pounds.

  • 70/150 = approximately .5
  • .5 X 1 Tablespoon = ½ tablespoon

Young’s Dosing Rule

This dosing rule uses the child’s age in months to determine dosage. It’s considered more accurate for children 2 and older. Add 12 to the child’s age, then divide their age by that number. Multiply the results by the adult dose.

Example: The adult dose is 20 drops of tincture and the child is 3 years old.

  • 3 + 12 = 15
  • 3 divided by 15 = .2
  • 20 drops x .2 = 4 drops

Freid’s Dosing Rule

Freid’s rule is commonly used for infants and children 2 or younger. Child’s age in months divided by 150, then that number is multiplied by the adult dose.

Example: The adult dose is 1 cup (16 tablespoons) of tea and the child is 8 months old.

  • 8 divided by 150 = .05
  • .05 x 16 tablespoons = .85 tablespoons

How to Dose Herbal Remedies for Infants

For a young baby, especially one younger than 6 months, the best way to give herbal remedies is through mom’s breastmilk. Mom can take a full adult dose and the beneficial properties are passed through the milk to baby when they nurse. If your baby isn’t currently breastfeeding, then you can use Freid’s dosing rule. I convert the adult dose to milliliters (ml) first which makes it easy to give to baby in a syringe.

  • ½ tsp = 2.5 ml
  • 1 tsp = 5 ml
  • 1 TBSP = 15 ml

Which Herbs are Safe For Children and Infants?

There are various opinions on this, but I prefer to listen to experienced clinical herbalists on this one. Conventional drugs given to children and infants, like Tylenol, are harmful for little ones. Herbs are generally a much safer option when something is needed. Gentle, kid friendly herbs are the best first option, yet even strong herbs can be used when dosed properly.

“My experience has been that almost any herb that is safe for an adult is safe for a child as long as the size and weight of the child are accounted for and the dosage is adjusted accordingly. These herbs should be used in small amounts for short periods of time only , and in conjunction or formulated with milder herbs” – Rosemary Gladstar

How to dose herbal remedies for the best results - The Herbal Spoon

How to Dose an Herbal Syrup

Syrups are one of the yummiest way to take herbs and are a great option for little ones. It’s important to know the strength of the preparation to determine the best dosage. Pre-made herbal syrups are much easier to figure out. For example, if you use elderberry syrup for the flu (which is an acute condition), and the bottle lists the adult dose at 1 Tablespoon, then you could take 1 Tablespoon every 2-3 hours until symptoms subside. Then do a maintenance dose 3-4 times a day for a few more days.

For a homemade herbal syrup, we have to determine the strength first.

  1. Let’s say the dosage of the herb used is 1 tsp, twice a day. You need enough herbal syrup to last a week, so you use 14 teaspoons of herb to make the syrup.
  2. When you’re finished with the recipe you end up with 2 cups total of herbal syrup.
  3. We know there’s 14 doses total in there, so we divide the 2 cups by 14. I like to convert cups to Tablespoons or even teaspoons first to make it easier.
  4. 2 cups (32 Tablespoons) syrup divided by 14 doses = 2.3 Tablespoons (or 2 TBSP and 1 tsp) for an adult dose. If dosing for a child, then use one of the dosing rules above to convert the adult dose into a child’s dose.

How to Dose Herbal Tea and Decoctions

This one is a little easier to figure than an herbal syrup. Typically 1 tsp of herb is steeped in 1 cup of hot water. More herb is used if its larger or “fluffier,” like mullein and chamomile flowers, generally 2-3 teaspoons. Tough plant material, like bark and roots, are usually decocted (or simmered) for 10-20 minutes to best extract the beneficial constituents of the plant.

There are exceptions to this (like marshmallow root which needs steeped in cool water for hours), so it’s best to refer to a materia medica for the herb used.

Dosing Tea for Children

Instead of trying to dose down the herb for a child (what would .005 teaspoons be??), I determine dosage based on the amount of tea I end up with. For example, if I wanted to make ginger tea to soothe an upset tummy, I’d steep 1 tsp of ginger root in 1 cup (16 TBSP) of water, which is the adult dose. I’d then use one of the dosing rules above to determine how much of those 16 Tablespoons of tea to give my little one.

For mild herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, and lavender I usually use the folk method of dosing to keep it simple. I’ll throw a good size pinch of herb into 1/2 cup hot water and let my son sip as he desires.

How to Dose Herbal Powders

Herbs can be ground into a powder and mixed with things. This is helpful for those who don’t want to drink 4 cups of tea a day. Not all herbs are best taken as powders though, so be sure you use the best preparation for the condition at hand.

Here are some different ways to take an herbal powder.

  • Mix into applesauce or yogurt.
  • Mix into a healthy fruit smoothie.
  • Put into capsules and swallow. – Bitters (like gentian and dandelion) jumpstart digestion when the tongue tastes them. If they’re put into a capsule, the effect won’t be the same.
  • Mix with honey to make an herbal electuary. This option is good for little ones who can’t swallow pills yet, and the herb tastes too strong to disguise in other foods. Honey isn’t safe for children under 1, but food-grade glycerine or agave are safe options.
  • Mix with honey to make a thick paste and roll into pastilles (like cough drops).

External Uses for Herbal Powders

I don’t like to use powdered herbs to make tea or salves with because it’s hard to strain the herb out. Powdered herbs are useful for more than taking internally though. Some herbs can be made into a paste with water or oil and applied topically as an herbal plaster or poultice.

I’ve used Oregon grape root powder mixed with coconut oil on psoriasis plaques. And powdered yarrow sprinkled on a wound will help stop bleeding. In instances like these I don’t carefully measure the herb out. I use enough herb and liquid to get the right consistency, then apply liberally.

How to dose herbs for the best results - The Herbal Spoon

How to Dose Tinctures

Tinctures are highly concentrated and are typically measured in drops or dropperfuls. These can be mixed with other ingredients to temper the taste, like applesauce or yogurt, or taken in water. In certain instances, tinctures can be used topically on the skin, though the alcohol can be irritating. Not all tinctures are the same strength and this also effects how much needs used.

When I make a homemade tincture it’s important to measure out both the herb and liquid used, or determining the right dosage will be impossible. It doesn’t help to say “take 10 drops of the tincture” if you have no idea how much herb is in the tincture!

This book gives thorough and easy to understand instructions to make tinctures. It also covers how much of each herb to use, and different herbal tincture recipes to address specific health complaints. This article from herbalist Juliette Carr is also a good resource for how to make tinctures.

Tailor the Dose to the Person

Herbs don’t work like drugs, they work synergistically with the individual to bring balance and wellness in the body. Someone can have a “hot” or “cold” constitution, or be “wet” or “dry.” I used to think this was nonsense, but the more I’ve learned about herbs the more I’ve realized how different we all are. Choosing the right herb for someone is as important as determining dosage. Healing with the Herbs of Life by Lesley Tierra has helped immensely with my understanding of how to work with different constitutions.

If you find an herb doesn’t work for you, there are several options.

  • Increase the dosage (be careful with herbs that have a lower toxicity threshold, like lobelia)
  • Use a different herb. If ginger doesn’t help your nausea, maybe peppermint will.
  • Add supporting herbs to the preparation. For example, if I make a digestive blend with bitters the bitters help stimulate and enhance digestion. However bitter herbs can cool and dry which interferes with digestion long term. I could add warming herbs (like ginger) to create a more balanced formula (McDonald, n.d.).

How to safely and effectively dose herbal remedies for the best results - The Herbal Spoon


  • McDonald, J. (n.d.). Blessed Bitters, Herbcraft. Retrieved from
  • Tilgner, S. (2009). Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth. Pleasant Hill, OR: Malloy Lithographing Inc.
  • Watkins, PB., Kaplowitz, N., Slattery, JT., et al. (2006). Aminotransferase Elevations in Healthy Adults Receiving 4 Grams of Acetaminophen Daily: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA. 296(1), 87–93. doi:10.1001/jama.296.1.87

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How to Find the Best Essential Oils Mon, 06 Aug 2018 19:45:05 +0000 There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to the best essential oils. Some people swear only their brand is pure. Others get the cheapest essential oils they can find, then wonder what they hype is about when they don’t work well. In this article I cover: What therapeutic grade really means. How to know ...

The post How to Find the Best Essential Oils appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

How to find the BEST essential oils - The Herbal Spoon

There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to the best essential oils. Some people swear only their brand is pure. Others get the cheapest essential oils they can find, then wonder what they hype is about when they don’t work well. In this article I cover:

  • What therapeutic grade really means.
  • How to know if your essential oils are pure and potent.
  • Why native sourced plants are so important, but organic may not be.
  • Why a company’s safety info isn’t important to me.

Therapeutic Grade Doesn’t Equal Purity

Therapeutic grade is not an officially regulated term. This is a marketing term created to attract customers. The product may be pure or it may not be. This is why it’s important to view test results and verify the company’s standards, not rely on label catch phrases.

Is Organic Better?

Some growers follow organic standards, or use natural pesticide control but don’t have an official organic certification. Organic guarantees certain growing standards, but there are reputable sellers without this certification. Some farmers can’t afford an organic certification, as this raises the price for you and them both. Ask the company about growing standards. Look at the GCMS reports, which identify any contamination.

It’s like shopping at the local farmers market. Even though the sellers I frequent don’t have an official organic certification, I know from asking questions and getting to know them that they don’t use dangerous pesticides. I’m happy with that, and it keeps costs down.

Integrity and Honesty

You don’t have to dig very far to find some shady things going on with certain essential oil companies. Illegally importing endangered species, not releasing test results, and  diluting with cheap (or synthetic) ingredients are just some of the problems with essential oil companies. I keep up to date with The Blue Tansy Analysis group, which posts essential oil test results and other chemistry info.

Mistakes happen, and the larger a company becomes the easier it is for something to slip through the cracks unintentionally. How they respond when an issue is discovered speaks volumes for their integrity. If they try to belittle the issue or those pointing it out (or worse, dish out threats and lawsuits), that’s not behavior I want to support.

Accurate Safety Information

This is a tough one. Supplement companies are prohibited by the FDA from making claims about their products. They can give dosage and usage guidelines, but they can’t imply the product will treat a disease. This results in a complicated word dance of trying to tell the consumer how a product will help them while staying out of hot water with the FDA.

There are several companies that give detailed usage information, but I’d argue this isn’t necessary when choosing which essential oils to buy. Some companies recommend unsafe usage, while others err so far on the side of safety it decreases efficacy. When the proper dose/dilution isn’t used, it won’t be effective. You can read more about the issue of overly “safe” essential oil use here.

How to find the BEST essential oils - The Herbal Spoon

Where to Find Accurate Essential Oil Information

I prefer to get my safety and usage info from sources outside of the companies I purchase from. Here are some of my favorite essential oil information books.

Third Party Testing

Anyone can claim their essential oils are all natural and pure. All essential oil companies do. Third party testing from a reputable and experienced lab ensures transparency between the company and consumer. This isn’t very helpful though if a company refuses to let anyone see their test results. When choosing the best essential oils, I look for a company that does third party testing (not in house testing) and the results are available to see. Dr. Robert Pappas is one of the leading essential oil chemists in the world and he posts essential oil test results here. 

They Release the GCMS Reports

This goes along with the last point. GCMS stands for gas chromatography mass spectrometry. This test will reveal contaminants in the oil and the exact levels of the chemical constituents. It’s not so helpful if you can’t read one (It’s Greek to me), BUT it’s still important.

GCMS reports are also batch specific, meaning that each batch of each essential oil should have their own analysis for purity. If the company is only testing one batch of rosemary every few years and posting the same report for every bottle produced, it’s not accurate. There could be contamination of a specific batch that goes unnoticed due to inadequate testing.

Where to Find Third Party Test Results

There are reputable chemists that do oil testing and publicly release the results. For people like me who can’t analyze a GCMS report, I also like that they put the results in plain English. The groups below have tons of info on essential oil quality and purity for specific brands.

How to find the BEST essential oils - The Herbal Spoon

Fair Trade Sourcing

Good juju, Karma, the Golden Rule, whatever you want to call it, treating others like I want to be treated is important to me. I want to be fairly compensated for my hard work, and I want to earn enough to adequately support myself and family. I want the same for essential oil growers, many of whom live in third world countries.

More companies are sourcing from fairly compensated growers, but some take it a step further. My favorite essential oil company also does projects for the communities where their growers live.

  • They build schools
  • Provide hygiene kits so girls can stay in school
  • Support agencies that stop child sex trafficking
  • Dig village wells so people have access to clean water.

I’m glad to know I’m contributing to something that’s positively impacting someone’s life. These projects are funded by donations to my favorite company, not essential oil sales. For me, doing the right thing and being a part of the solution and not the problem are worth the price tag.

The Best Essential Oils are Natively Sourced

Essential oils are more potent (and can also be more sustainable) when they’re grown in the proper environment. A high altitude lavender grown in the mountains of France has a much different chemical profile than one grown in a US dessert. There are generational family growers that have refined and perfected the distillation of their country’s native plants over the years. These are the knowledgeable people I want to buy from.

Should a Company Own their Own Farms?

One of the largest essential oil companies biggest selling point was that they grew all of their essential oils on their own farms. After it came out in court that less than 1% of their oils were grown on their farms, they quietly changed their website to say “partner farms” instead.

There are artisan growers that sell the oils from their farm in small batches, though these can be hard to find. I’ve seen a few lavender farms that do this, though many growers partner with a larger essential oil company.

I prefer to buy essential oils from a company that has a close relationship with their growers to ensure high quality. Sometimes this means they’re grown on their own farms, and sometimes they’ve partnered with experienced growers.

Some brands buy off of the open market in third world countries, which is exactly what I want to avoid. This video from a very popular health store brand shows how they source their oils. It involves using a mud pit as a distillation pool and buying essential oils in used water bottles and old RoundUp pesticide containers. Not something I want to use therapeutically!!


The essential oil industry as a whole is not sustainable, so they should be grown, sourced and used wisely. Too many companies offering cheap oils do so by overharvesting, underpaying the growers, or buying cheap product off of the open market and bottling under their brand. I look for a company that:

  • Doesn’t source essential oils from overharvested or endangered species.
  • Doesn’t illegally import product from endangered species.
  • Uses sustainable farming or wild harvesting methods.

I may make an exception if they’re sustainably (and legally) growing and harvesting an endangered species on their own or partner farms. This controlled method doesn’t damage the environment or further deplete the plant species.

How to find the BEST essential oils - The Herbal Spoon

The Best Essential Oils for the Best Price

Cheap cost indicates a low quality product. But more expensive doesn’t necessarily mean high quality. I’m willing to pay more for a product that meets my (strict) criteria. Third party testing has shown the really cheap essential oils (like those sold at grocery and drug stores) have synthetic ingredients added. Some don’t even have trace amounts of essential oil, but they’re still labeled “100% pure therapeutic grade.”

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Companies

This is a tough one and there are hot opinions on either side. I buy essential oils from both MLM and non-MLM companies.

Here are some of the negatives of buying from an MLM company:

  • Prices are usually higher
  • The upline may not be very helpful or supportive.
  • Some advice shared in groups may not advocate safe essential oil use.
  • Some MLM users are so loyal to their favorite company, said company knows they can get away with things they shouldn’t be doing.

The positives of buying from an MLM company:

  • The right upline can make or break the experience. A supportive community of oil users share usage tips, product support, and learning experiences.
  • A large portion of profits can go to support small businesses, improve family’s lives and to fairly compensate the native growers. (this all depends on the company, so always ask questions!)

The Essential Oils I Use

I use several different brands, including Plant Therapy, Eden’s Garden, and Mountain Rose Herbs. I stay away from anything sold at Walmart, drug stores, and the cheap online brands from Amazon.

What do you look for when choosing essential oils? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this post!

The post How to Find the Best Essential Oils appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

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My Home Water Birth Story (That Almost Wasn’t) Mon, 01 Jan 2018 03:24:28 +0000 This birth was different than my first son’s natural hospital birth.  I barely made it into the tub before my little one was born. My midwife wasn’t in town when I went into labor. She wasn’t even in the country when I went into labor! This was my first home birth, and to be honest, ...

The post My Home Water Birth Story (That Almost Wasn’t) appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

My home water birth story (that almost wasn't) - The Herbal SpoonThis birth was different than my first son’s natural hospital birth.  I barely made it into the tub before my little one was born. My midwife wasn’t in town when I went into labor. She wasn’t even in the country when I went into labor! This was my first home birth, and to be honest, it was more than a little stressful.

On one hand birth stories have become so common lately, that I hesitate to add another to their ranks. However, after continuing to see

  • the high infant mortality rate
  • unfortunate disrespect for many women during birth
  • the dismal state of birth (still) in our country

I feel like there’s still a lot of progress to be made.

Birth Horror Stories

I remember when my first son was born hearing the birth horror stories from everyone around me. My mom told me that she was given Pitocin and the pain was so bad she’d wanted to kill herself. My grandma recounted being wrestled down by a nurse and given ether, so that she wouldn’t get in the doctor’s way as he delivered the baby.

Even my mentor told me that I should just get an epidural.

My natural birth story feels like just another drop in the bucket. However, women are demanding better births in recent years and I’d like to offer a little more encouragement that yes, it is possible!

I’m not a Better Person

Having a natural birth to me isn’t about some sort of heroism. That I did it better because I didn’t cave in and have pain meds. For me it’s about embracing the natural rhythm of the birth process that my body was designed to do on its own. It’s about making the best choice for my emotional and physical well- being, as well as my baby’s.

That being said, I wasn’t able to do everything 100% natural. It’s never my first choice, however sometimes modern medicine is needed.

My natural home water birth story (that almost wasn't) - The Herbal Spoon

The Home Birth That Almost Wasn’t

I almost didn’t have a water birth (again) this time around. My first son was born in the hospital with an amazing midwife at my side. I had planned to deliver in the jacuzzi tub there, however it wasn’t designed for 6’1 tall people and I felt cramped and uncomfortable. My husband ended up in the tub facing me while I leaned over the side and delivered in a hands and knees position.

This time I was determined to have my water birth! But let me back up a little bit, because we hadn’t originally planned a home birth. 

Finding a Good Healthcare Provider

The closest hospital that had midwives and allowed a natural birth was an hour away. I had a great birth there with my first son. This time, I was 7 months pregnant when we moved to a different town. I didn’t plan on switching health care providers, but I realized that as I had become more “crunchy,” the hospital midwives had become more mainstream.

I wasn’t comfortable when I realized I knew more about evidence based birth practices than some of the midwives. And when birth came, I didn’t get to choose who delivered the baby. Even though it wasn’t perfect, I still thought it was the best option I had. Until I accidentally walked into a birth center.

An Accidental Discovery

Beginning at the 4 month mark I had a lot of pelvic pain. Our regular chiropractor wasn’t cutting it. After nearly 3 months of excruciating pain, I decided to find a Webster certified chiropractor. We located the new chiropractor’s office and I walked into the main entry.

I promptly realized that I’d made a mistake, because this definitely wasn’t a chiropractor. I had accidentally walked into a birth center, but the staff kindly redirected us. After my adjustment though, we asked for a tour of the birth center.

By this point I was already 32 weeks pregnant (or so we thought). One of the midwives agreed to take my case, and we prepared for a home birth. Those last few weeks of pregnancy flew by as we scrambled to get everything ready! I had a long list of contributor articles I needed to finish for work, freezer meals to cook, baby supplies to purchased, and now the home birth supplies.

The Case of the Mistaken Due Date

In addition to freelance writing and working as an herbalist, I also work part time as a caregiver for elderly hospice patients. My last day at work with my client was December 16th, and my due date was supposed to be December 22nd. I figured I still had plenty of time to finish that massive to do list.

I wrapped things up with my client, finished up the last batch of contributor articles, then headed home for the night. I got home at around midnight and headed to bed at 1 am. I was having some uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions, but I just assumed they’d go away once I fell asleep.

My natural home water birth story (that almost wasn't) - The Herbal Spoon
Image via Flickr CC Torsten Mangner

Definitely not Braxton Hicks

The contractions didn’t go away. I woke up at 3 am with more intense pain and decided to start timing the contractions. I used this free app for my android phone to keep track of the contractions, and it was a major help. I “knew” it was too early for labor, so I kept thinking the labor pains would fizzle out and I could go back to bed.

My contractions were already 3-4 minutes apart. I crawled from the bathroom back into the bedroom and woke my husband up. I was crying and stressed because things were happening so fast, but he helped calm me down.

I waited an hour to see how things progressed, but my body was consistent and the contractions were getting stronger. At 4 am I called the midwife’s assistant to let her know what was going on so the birth team could make their way over soon.

A Rush to Prepare

My midwife was in Canada for her family’s Christmas, and the assistant midwife and backup midwife were at another birth and wouldn’t be able to come for several hours yet. The last time I gave birth I passed out from blood loss and needed an emergency shot of Pitocin. I panicked a little thinking that I was going to deliver without medical help.

We had planned on batch cooking several weeks worth of freezer meals for my maternity leave. The groceries for our project were still all over the kitchen counter. The dishes weren’t done, and the house was a mess. While I was breathing through contractions, my husband frantically cleaned the entire house top to bottom and set up the birth area.

The Missing Birth Team

My mother in law is a nurse practitioner and she had agreed to be at the birth. However, she was still on vacation in Arizona when I went into labor. Our six year old son does not handle blood well, so the plan was for my mom to pick him up once labor started. I must have called my parent’s phones 15 times, but no one was answering.

Labor was progressing fast, and no one on my birth team was there! And my husband was hurriedly getting the house ready instead of assisting me while I labored like we’d planned.

My natural home water birth story (that almost wasn't) - The Herbal Spoon

Help Finally Arrives

I was already 7 cm dilated by the time the midwife got there at 7:30 am.

At 9 am I finally got a hold of my brother and he got my parents out of bed. I later found out that my mom wasn’t answering her phone because she had it in another room out of ear shot while she slept. I’d told her the week before that the EMF waves from it were probably contributing to her heart problems, so she took my advice and kept it at a distance.

Our six year old woke up and wandered into the living room where I was making very loud moaning noises. He sleepily asked “What are you doing?” My dad made a beeline for our house and picked our son up while I was in the painful (and loud) throes of transition.

A Leaky Birth Pool

The midwife finished arranging her supplies and had brought the birth tub with her. We had rented an extra large birthing pool so that I would feel comfortable this time around. Unfortunately the top rung had a hole in it and the tub was leaking air. I hung out on the birthing ball as the contractions intensified and my husband tried to find the hole.

15 minutes later he still hadn’t found the hole, so we just decided to start filling the tub and keep the air pump on. I didn’t say anything to anyone, but I had already passed transition. My body was actively pushing and I knew baby would be here very soon. The assistant midwife arrived just as the tub was filled.

I didn’t have the clothes on that I’d planned to wear in the tub, but baby was coming and there wasn’t time to change. I got in the tub and let my body do it’s work. With my first son once I began to push I had absolute peace and zero pain. I only made labor noises a few times during transition, but otherwise I was completely silent.

This time was different.

I was stressed, in a lot of pain, and very vocal through the entire labor. My husband was sitting in a chair in front of me so that I could use his forearms for support. The leaky birth pool wasn’t able to support my weight, and the midwife couldn’t fill it all the way. They kept pushing my hips back under the water since it wasn’t high enough, so I wasn’t in a position that felt entirely right.

In my mind I was thinking “ I paid for this pool and dang it, I’m going to use it, leaky or not!”

Baby is on His Way

At one point I quickly stood up out of the water in an effort to distance myself from the pain. I was only in the tub for maybe 15 minutes before it was all over. I announced that the baby was coming, and just a few minutes later he was crowning.

A few more pushes and he was out. Even though the pain was much more intense this time, I handled the time after birth much better. I didn’t pass out like last time and I didn’t need an emergency intervention. I took a few breaths of relief, then calmly climbed out of the tub and into bed while holding our son.

My natural home water birth story (that almost wasn't) - The Herbal Spoon

The After Birth Process

I held him with the cord still attached while I delivered the placenta. Eventually the cord was cut and the midwife pressed on my uterus to make sure everything was expelled. After several rounds of uterus pushing I was still passing large clots, so I agreed to a shot of Pitocin to stop the bleeding.

The midwives helped me clean up and tidied up from the birth before I settled into bed with the baby for cuddles and nursing. I felt good about my hospital birth, but the environment of the home birth was so much better. We didn’t have hospital staff constantly waking us to check vitals, and the entire recovery process was so much more relaxed.

A Not So Little Guy

The stress didn’t help matters, but I think the reason this birth hurt was because our little one wasn’t quite so little. Our son measured 21.25 inches long and weighed a whopping 10 pounds! He’s full of dimples and wrinkles and cute chubbiness.

Even though there was pain, I still don’t regret choosing a natural home water birth. I had a healthy, happy baby and a much better recovery time.

The birth felt rushed because everything happened so fast and I didn’t feel entirely prepared. My midwives and husband were amazingly supportive though. And my house was never cleaner.

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Is circumcision Biblical? The history, ethics and impact Sat, 27 May 2017 15:04:36 +0000 You’ve Been Warned So I feel the strong need to preface this post with the following disclaimer. Many of these thoughts only apply if you’ve decided to be a Christ follower. However there’s still great moral and historical information for those of you who don’t fit into that category. With that being said though, I ...

The post Is circumcision Biblical? The history, ethics and impact appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

Should Christians Circumcise? The history, ethics and impact of circumcision. - The Herbal SpoonYou’ve Been Warned

So I feel the strong need to preface this post with the following disclaimer. Many of these thoughts only apply if you’ve decided to be a Christ follower. However there’s still great moral and historical information for those of you who don’t fit into that category. With that being said though, I hope you’ll stick around and read this post no matter what your religious affiliation is (or lack thereof).

This is a controversial and emotionally fueled subject, so please read this with an open mind. I’ve attempted to present the evidence as I see it, spoken through love and with grace. Please understand that my intention isn’t to shame anyone for their decisions.

Didn’t God Command us to Circumcise?

In the Old Testament there are a ton of laws. Everything from don’t sleep with your mother in law, to make sure you wash your hands under running water. Both great ideas. I’m not going to pretend to understand all of the law though and why God said every single thing he did, because well, I’m not God.

I have several friends who are messianic Jews, and they believe that Jesus fulfilled the law, but we are still to follow it. Then you have evangelical Christians who believe that since the law is fulfilled, we are no longer bound to following it in the same way. I’m not going to argue for or against that here, that’s between you and God, but it does affect your views on Biblical circumcision.

In the Old Testament the Jews were told to circumcise their sons on the 8th day. This was a physical reminder of removing the separation that stands between us and God and His covenant. Not so ironically, blood clotting in a newborn peaks eight days after they’re born, so this would be the best time to circumcise, but of course God already knew that (source).

Circumcision Just isn’t What it Used to be

In the Old Testament the Jews were commanded to circumcise, but it’s not the same as circumcision today. Back then it was a tiny cut that just nipped the end, yet preserved the function of the foreskin. Now, we’re removing the entire foreskin, or about 50% of the mobile tissue that covers the area. That’s a huge amount!

If you’ll remember from your Sunday school days, David brought the foreskins of the Philistines to King Saul as a trophy of war. By removing the foreskins of the enemy, I believe that it was seen as a mutilation and a hit to their manhood and dignity. 1 Samuel 18:25 says that Saul asked David to bring him the foreskins as a dowry for his daughter, but also to “take revenge on his enemies.” He really wanted to add insult to injury here.

How God Views Sex

Yes, I said the S word. God actually has a lot to say about sex in the Bible, because it’s a very sacred thing. Many Christians like to avoid discussing the subject altogether, and “don’t do it before you’re married” is as far as we go. The purpose of marriage according to the New Testament is to display in a physical way how Christ loves the church. So sex is more than something that feels good and makes babies. It’s a physical, powerful, constant reminder of the spiritual intimacy we have with our creator.

So what does sex have anything to do with circumcising a newborn? Well obviously this area of our body is integral to having sex. We were beautifully and wonderfully designed with a purpose, and our bodies are to be treated as a temple. By cutting parts of this temple off, parts that were designed for a sacred purpose and reminder of Christ’s relationship with us as His bride the church, it permanently alters this symbol.

Courtesy of musicfanatic29

Corn Flakes and Circumcision

What circumcision is now really has nothing to do with Biblical standards, and in fact, I’d like to present the idea that it’s  in direct contradiction to it. John Kellog, the same man who is responsible for giving us corn flakes was an integral reason why our modern society implemented circumcision. He advocated circumcision as a way to prevent masturbation by teens before marriage. In fact, he even threw some psychological abuse in there.

“The operation should be performed without administering anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases.” – Dr. John Kellog

Even now, boys are circumcised largely without anesthetic. Parents generally aren’t allowed in the room so that they aren’t disturbed by seeing the procedure. And babies who appear to sleep peacefully  have actually had a newborn defense mechanism activated. When a baby is under severe stress, pain and/or trauma, there little body shuts down. They enter a semi-comatose state and appear asleep. It’s anything but peaceful.

Kellog also recommended tying young children’s hands together or putting a cage over their genitals.  He pointed to the fact that some tropical peoples were cutting, so therefore we should. This practice of severely cutting the genitals, from what I understand, was adopted from pagan tribes who used it as a ritual purification.

Making Sex Undesirable

God created sex to be a beautiful thing between a husband and wife. An act of love, intimacy and a reminder of His love for us. By purposefully trying to decrease the desire and diminish or eliminate the pleasure, it defaces His purpose.
The foreskin is full of nerve endings, and removing it does in fact diminish sexual pleasure for both a man and his wife.

Personally, my husband and I both regret that he wasn’t able to make the decision of circumcision for himself. And you probably know as well as I do that cutting off the foreskin doesn’t prevent what Kellog hoped to prevent.

One of the proposed reasons for circumcision was to promote cleanliness, although even Kellog himself said that daily cleaning of the area would prevent any issues. The main purpose of the Victorian era of circumcision that we still practice today, was to punish the child and make sex undesirable.

Female genital mutilation (warning, graphic)

In other countries, especially India and Africa, the culture dictates that girls should be circumcised. It’s a criminal offense in the UK to bring in a girl for circumcision, or to even refer someone to a doctor who will. Even though preventing this atrocity is taken very seriously, many villages and tribes still perform the procedure, often with rusty razor blades or shards of glass in the poorest areas. Even though male circumcision is considered ok, while female genital mutilation is taboo, the idea behind it is the same. Make sex so undesirable, and even painful, that a girl will stay pure for marriage.

I was going through my midwifery textbook, and came across a story of a woman who had her genitals so severely mutilated at the age of 8, that she had a seizure and passed out from the pain. Even now, marital intimacy is so painful, that she has been unable to have children, or fully experience love with her husband.

The textbook’s detailed coverage of female genital mutilation, and the idea that hundreds of thousands of innocent little girls have been abused, and continue to be abused in this way was incredibly upsetting to me. In this woman’s village, the little ones genitalia were cut and sutured together so that the vagina would almost completely seal shut, then on her wedding night it would be opened with a razor blade before intercourse. As I read on, I was so sickened by it all that I had to rush into the bathroom to throw up. I’ve read some pretty gruesome medical things, and never has anything affected me in that way.

Photo courtesy .alicia.kowalski.

Is it harmful?

God is very clear that the faith and innocence of a child is to be nurtured, and for anyone who harms a child “it would be better if a millstone was hung around his neck.” A newborn is not able to speak for himself, and relies on his parents for protection.

On one hand you have very loving parents who would do anything for their child, but they’ve never considered that circumcision could harm their child. These parents believe they’re just doing what’s best. Then you have others who see circumcision as wrong because the baby can’t consent and the procedure is physically and psychologically questionable.

If you’ve chosen to circumcise, or just did it because you had never thought about it, then that doesn’t make you a bad parent. Honestly I had never given any thought to the issue until my midwife asked if we planned on circumcising. I just assumed it was what everyone did.

I didn’t know why, but figured, why not? However after doing some prayerful research about the medical and spiritual implications, we ultimately made the decision not to.

Made in His Image

I believe that we were made with a purpose, intricately knit together in our mother’s womb. I also believe that Satan hates that, and does everything He can to undermine God’s image in us. We’re told by our culture that we were an accident of science, that unborn babies don’t matter, and that sex is just for the fun of it. Is circumcision as benign as we’re told, or is it just another way that our enemy is trying to mar God’s image and plan? I think it’s a question worth considering.

Are there medical benefits of circumcision?

I mentioned briefly already that one of the supposed reasons for circumcision is for medical benefit. This is a cosmetic procedure that is often marketed as a medical one. I’m not going to go into details here on the medical portion of it, but Mama Natural and Wellness Mama both have fantastic articles that go into depth about medical issues and the intricate function of the foreskin’s design. (spoiler alert, there aren’t worthwhile medical benefits)

Photo courtesy Pictures of Money

Profiting From Circumcision

Foreskin tissue is used in the production of some high end cosmetic creams. So you too can have skin like a baby’s bottom, from a baby’s bottom. These foreskin fibroblasts are used in collagen injections and to regenerate skin in different medical settings. Hospitals are able to profit monetarily from circumcisions, causing an ethical concern for some.

I have some serious issues with allopathic (modern) medicine as a whole and how the industry operates. The word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakeia, meaning the manipulation of the body through means of witchcraft and idolatry. As a Christian, I find that concerning, however, I’ll save that topic for another day.

Paul’s Circumcision Comments

Going back to the New Testament, Paul has something important to say about circumcision. In the beginning of Galatians chapter 5, Paul mentions that circumcision or uncircumcision is not the point, but “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Some Christians have even said that not only is circumcision for religious reasons unnecessary, but we’re told not to.

Paul goes on to say that

“If you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all…You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.”

I would encourage you to go to the actual chapter to read everything in context and prayerfully consider the passage for yourself.

Is Circumcision Biblical?

So here’s the big question. Is the circumcision we practice today of entirely removing the foreskin Biblical? Given what circumcision, God’s image and sexual intimacy mean to Christians, and that modern circumcision stems from the idea of diminishing or eliminating that God given sexual pleasure by permanently altering the organ, I would have to say no. There are of course medical conditions that can necessitate surgery in this area, but I can’t personally stand behind routine removal of the foreskin as its currently done.

Regardless of your personal views on circumcision, I would sincerely hope that you consider what I’ve said here and do your own searching. Pray about it, search scripture and do what you feel led to do.

What are your thoughts on the subject? I’d love to hear your comments!

(differing opinions are fine, disrespectful and name calling comments won’t be published)

Resources used:


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How to use adaptogenic herbs so they actually work for adrenal fatigue Thu, 09 Feb 2017 04:22:18 +0000 Life gets busy, we get stressed and tired, and just feel plain overwhelmed sometimes. Eating chocolate is a common (and delicious!) way to cope, but herbs can play a big role. Many are turning to herbs that have been dubbed as adaptogenic herbs to help increase energy, combat adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues and other problems. ...

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How to use adaptogenic herbs so they actually work for adrenal fatigue. You may be doing it wrong! - The Herbal Spoon

Life gets busy, we get stressed and tired, and just feel plain overwhelmed sometimes. Eating chocolate is a common (and delicious!) way to cope, but herbs can play a big role. Many are turning to herbs that have been dubbed as adaptogenic herbs to help increase energy, combat adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues and other problems.

But what are adaptogens, how do they work, and are we using them wrong?

My story of adrenal fatigue

During college I worked hard, hardly slept and hardly ate. And when I did eat, it was often cafeteria junk food or a slim fast. Yes, I really was that bad! Those years of abuse took a toll on my body, and after my pregnancy, and a year long bout with veganism, I came down with a bad case of adrenal fatigue.

I wanted to sleep for 11 hours a day. Getting out of bed was a laborious task. I was ready for a nap only hours after waking up, and by 9 pm, I’d be so full of energy (finally!) that I’d stay up for hours finally getting some work done. Unfortunately, with our crazy non- stop lifestyles, many people feel these symptoms, and it’s a condition that’s severely undiagnosed and generally not acknowledged by the conventional medical community. As moms we’re pressured to be there for everyone all of the time and the stress of mom culture can really suck the joy out of life.

What does adrenal fatigue look like?:

Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue and over exhaustion include

  • Excessive fatigue or exhaustion
  • Not feeling rested after plenty of sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Difficult to bounce back from injury, illness, stress or exercise
  • Cravings for salty and/or sweet things
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low libido
  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Needing caffeine to get going in the morning
  • Excess hunger or, on the other extreme, lack of appetite

What to do about it

Ok, so we know that many of us are stressed out and tired, but how do we change that? Herbal adaptogens are substances that are completely non-toxic and help the body recover and better respond to everyday stressors. They can do a whole host of positive things in the body, and here are a few.

  • improve adrenal, brain and thyroid function
  • offer antioxidant protection to cells
  • protect against cancer
  • lower the risk of heart disease
  • improve our resistance to the toxins we’re constantly exposed to.

A boatload of evidence

Adaptogenic herbs don’t work on any one particular system or condition of the body, but help strengthen our bodies as a whole. If that sounds wishy washy and a little too good to be true, then listen to this. Beginning in the 1940’s, Russian scientists were tasked with identifying and studying adaptogens. Since then, they’ve published literally thousands of studies on adaptogens. There’s also an extensive history of use of these adaptogenic herbs dating back thousands of years to ancient civilizations like China and India.

How to use adaptogenic herbs so they actually work for adrenal fatigue. You may be doing it wrong! - The Herbal Spoon

Wait, not yet!

With all of this overwhelming evidence for how beneficial adaptogenic herbs are, you may be ready to rush out and buy some to increase energy and get you going. But that’s not how they work. Adaptogens aren’t the latest energy drink that will artificially stimulate your body so you can keep on abusing it.

Adaptogens work with your body as part of a holistic shift to bring the body back into balance. And different adaptogenic herbs work in different ways, so you can’t just throw an herb at the problem. We need to pick specific ones to match a specific individual. I talk more about how we often misuse natural remedies (and why they don’t work!) in this article.

You’re doing it wrong

Adaptogens support your body and help restore its systems. They will not however add fuel to the fire as you continue to abuse your body. I can’t tell you how many ladies I’ve recommended an adaptogen supplement to, and then weeks later they declare with frustration that it didn’t work. If you’re feeding your body junk, don’t eliminate stressors from your life, then add adaptogens in hoping for a “magic pill,”  you’re fighting an uphill battle.

Herbalist Jim McDonald really sums it up in his article, where he compares adaptogens to credit cards. Yes, it actually does make sense once you read it.

“We should remember that one of the original uses of adaptogens was to get the working class able to handle bad working conditions with less rest and less burnout… they can help one endure an inhospitable situation or lifestyle with less negative impact.  When using them, I like to encourage people to ask:

“Do I really need to endure this inhospitable situation?

Do I want to?” – Jim McDonald

How to use adaptogens so they actually work

To give your body the reset it needs, nourish your adrenals and help adaptogens do their best work, follow these tips.

  • Reduce or eliminate sugar and caffeine. That includes coffee, black tea, honey, maple syrup, and other natural sweeteners that spike blood sugar.
  • Go to bed by 10pm and get 8-9 hours of rest. The hormone cortisol tapers off at night, and staying up late disrupts the bodies cortisol and other hormone cycles to cause a whole host of health issues.
  • Eliminate stress in your life as much as possible. Journaling, prayer and meditation are great ways to cope with situations you can’t change.
  • Slow down and savor your meals. Eating too quickly causes poor digestion and further taxes the adrenals. I’ve found that listening to slow music, and counting to 15 before swallowing each bite helps me slow down and relax while eating. Maybe you’re like me and too used to eating on the run for years!
  • Take walks, do yoga and other forms of exercise that you enjoy. Just avoid intense cardio, which triggers adrenaline production and further fatigues the body when there’s adrenal issues.
  • Eat real, whole, nutrient dense foods. Skip processed food. Even if they’re organic non-gmo potato chips, they’re still potato chips.

Choosing the right adaptogen for you

Ok, so now that we’ve covered how to properly use adaptogens, let’s look at different adaptogens and how they support the body. There are quite a few adaptogenic herbs, and then there are classes of herbs called nervines and nootropics that complement the effect of adaptogens. If you’re looking for an awesome, more in depth reference all about adaptogenic herbs, then I’d highly recommend this book by David Winston, Registered Herbalist.

Some of the most popular adaptogens and the ones I have personal experience with are the ones I’ve included below. Please realize that its always helpful to work with a natural health practitioner so they can tailor the herbs and dosage to your specific body. I’ve given the general usage info for these herbs, but do what you feel comfortable with. I’m not a doctor and medical advice is beyond my scope of expertise!

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How to use adaptogenic herbs so they actually work for adrenal fatigue. You may be doing it wrong! - The Herbal Spoon


This herb is native to India, Pakistan and Africa and is frequently used in ayurvedic medicine. Historically its been used for everything from osteoporosis to the common cold. Unlike stimulating adaptogens, ashwaganda is more calming and supports the endocrine system, including the adrenals and thyroid. In human studies it was found to stimulate the thyroid and support the immune system, including autoimmune issues. Ashwaganda is also a nervine, making it useful for fatigue, brain fog and anxious feelings. It’s rich in iron and helpful for anemia and will also help increase libido.

How I use it: I’ve been using ashwaganda as part of this adaptogenic blend capsule taken twice daily.  I do notice increased energy, but mainly I’ve noticed an improved presence in the moment as it helps me stay calm and focused. (Psst, I get this supplement for 60% off of retail with my membership. You can email me at if you’re interested in getting the same deal.)

How to take it: 30-40 drops of tincture 3x daily, or 400-500mg capsules 2x daily, or 1/4  tsp decocted in 1/2 cup water 3x daily.

Who its NOT for: Anyone with hyperthyroid (over active thyroid), excess iron, who is pregnant or allergic to nightshades.


The popular  black licorice candy originally came from this herb and its well known for its distinct sweet, fennel like flavor.  Its native to China, Russia and southeast Europe. This adaptogen is also anti-inflammatory, modulates the immune system, is antioxidant, anti-viral and helps expel excess phlegm. Licorice is an activator herb and increases the effect of other herbs when included in a formula. It’s especially helpful for those with adrenal fatigue who also have excessive morning fatigue, and elevated cortisol and blood sugar.

How I use it: My favorite way to use licorice is for a sore throat. Licorice tea was actually my very first experience with herbal remedies back when I was in elementary school. I was pretty excited when I found out that my favorite soothing throat tea also helps support my adrenals and blood sugar.

How to take it: 10-20 drops of tincture 3x daily, or 1 tsp decocted in 1 cup water, or 200-300 mg chewable tablets 3x daily

Who it is NOT for: May interfere with steroids and other drugs. Don’t use excessive amounts or if you have hypertension. If you’re on any drugs, then a natural practitioner may be able to help you get off of drugs and find other, safer solutions.

Holy basil or tulsi

This herb is native to the India China area and is often used there for daily support. Holy basil is an adaptogenic herb that supports and modulates the immune system, fights free radical damage, increases breastmilk production and boosts the mood. It also helps to protect nerves, reduce stress and may also help promote healthy blood sugar levels. It’s useful for brain fog, and when combined with gingko can help improve memory and attention, especially when accompanied by hyperactivity.

How I use it: I used to drink a cup of tulsi tea every morning to help balance my blood sugar, improve brain function and support my adrenals. It helped me feel refreshed and energized. Lately I haven’t been drinking it though since we’re trying for baby #2.

How to take it: 40-60 drops of tincture 3x daily, or 1 tsp infused in 1 cup water for 5-10 min 1-2x daily

Who it is NOT for: Anyone who is pregnant or wants to become pregnant. It may be toxic to the fetus or prevent pregnancy. It may also interfere with some drugs.

My favorite adaptogens right now

Currently I’ve been stirring a teaspoon or two of this Maca root powder in my morning dandy blend coffee. I love it! It helps to balance the hormones and boost fertility. The bag I have lasts me for several months.  At the end of this post I have more info on maca root plus a maca milk recipe. You can find Maca and other quality adaptogen herbs here.

Do you use adaptogens? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this post!

Resources used:

Adaptogens: Herbs for strength, stamina and stress relief – David Winston

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Natural hair loss treatment to restore hair Tue, 22 Nov 2016 12:00:59 +0000 I’m jealous of those shampoo commercials on TV. You know, the ones where they flip their luscious locks around and you’re thinking, “how does anyone fit that much hair on one head?!” If you’re like me and struggle with thin or damaged hair, then this natural hair loss treatment is a great addition to your ...

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Prevent thinning hair with a natural hair loss treatment serum that works! - The Herbal SpoonI’m jealous of those shampoo commercials on TV. You know, the ones where they flip their luscious locks around and you’re thinking, “how does anyone fit that much hair on one head?!” If you’re like me and struggle with thin or damaged hair, then this natural hair loss treatment is a great addition to your hair care routine.

I’ll admit that my hair is definitely thinner than I’d like. Seeing all of that hair at the bottom of the shower is pretty scary. Even my husband, who once had super thick hair, is dealing with significant hair loss. There are many factors that can cause thinning hair, and for us, it’s because of hormone imbalance and autoimmune diseases.

What causes hair loss in women?

Some of us think that hair loss is just a normal part of aging, but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t even need to be that old to suffer from thinning hair. Some factors are easier to control than others, but there is a natural hair loss treatment that may help, whatever the cause of your thinning hair. Here are the most common causes of female hair loss (source).

  • Postpartum hair loss is common after pregnancy.
  • Genetics
  • Menopause or other hormone changes.
  • Thyroid problems and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Scalp infections, like ringworm.
  • Prescription drugs, especially birth control.
  • Perms, conventional hair products, excessive blow drying, etc.
  • Hairstyles that pull the hair follicles, like ponytails and cornrows.

Simple changes

Obviously the best approach is to treat the root cause. The best natural hair loss treatments out there won’t do much for you if you keep inflicting damage on your scalp. I started getting a perm every 6 months at the age of 7, and by 14 my hair and scalp were so damaged I knew I had to make my peace with straight hair. I rarely curl it, and stay away from hair dryers and other heat tools.

If you’re dealing with an autoimmune disorder, then following the restrictive GAPS or AIP diet will help to heal your gut and as a result, restore your hair growth. And if you have hormone imbalance, then incorporating simple changes, like adaptogenic maca root into your morning coffee or smoothie can go a long way. You can get a recipe for maca milk here.

Another change I’ve made is to wear my hair down more. If I’m working, I really can’t stand having it in my face. However, ditching the tight ponytail holder and opting for a claw clip is gentler on my scalp.

Prevent thinning hair with a natural hair loss treatment serum that works! - The Herbal Spoon

Healthier natural hair treatments

Lately I’ve been using this natural shampoo from 100 percent pure brand to help restore the health of my scalp. Most “natural” shampoos really aren’t that natural, and they often sneak in some nasty ingredients, but this one meets my stringent standards.

The Morocco method line of hair care is different than traditional shampoo and some find it tricky, but it’s nourishing and very natural hair care.  I’ve been wanting to try it, but I haven’t jumped in yet because it’s a “no-poo” method and I don’t have the time to play around with it to make it work yet. A lot of people have used it in conjunction with healthy diet changes to really restore the thickness of their hair.

Essential oils for hair loss

There’s something else you can add to your routine though that will really help restore hair growth. This study  put essential oils to the test, to see if they would help improve hair growth on the scalp. The participants saw significant improvement after using a blend of lavender, rosemary, cedarwood and thyme essential oils.

There were two groups in this study. One massaged a blend of essential oils diluted with a carrier oil onto their scalps, while the placebo group just used the carrier oils. Since massage on its own helps to stimulate the hair follicles and improve hair growth, it’s helpful to see the results from both groups. The placebo group had a 15% improvement, but the group that used essential oils had a whopping 44% improvement in hair growth!

Both groups massaged the oils onto their scalp for at least 2 minutes every night for 7 months. The researchers concluded that not only was the essential oils natural hair loss treatment just as effective (if not more so) than conventional treatments, but they were also safer since there were no negative side effects.

Hair loss and autoimmunity

Something that’s really important to note here, is that only people with a condition called alopecia areata, or spot baldness were included in the study. This is an auto-immune condition that causes hair loss. It’s estimated that 50 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, so it’s a serious problem. This blend can be a really great solution for anyone with thinning hair, but especially for those of us who have an autoimmune disorder, like hypothyroid or lichen planus.

Prevent thinning hair with a natural hair loss treatment serum that works! - The Herbal Spoon

A natural hair loss treatment that works

The study gives the exact recipe used by the participants, but I changed it up just a little. Castor oil is really great at thickening and improving hair growth, so I added some of that (source). I also increased the amount so that it would fit neatly into a 1 oz bottle. You can easily double the recipe though if you find yourself going through it quickly.

I also increased the strength a bit. The original recipe was about a 2.2% total dilution, but the recipe below is at 3%, which is still within a safe range for skin care. If for some reason you find it irritating to your skin, then you can always dilute it to 2%.

Natural hair growth serum

  • About 2 T grapeseed oil
  • ½ tsp jojoba oil
  • ½ tsp castor oil
  • 5 drops each lavender, cedarwood and rosemary essential oil
  • 4 drops thyme essential oil
    1. In a 1 oz glass dropper bottle combine everything, except the grapeseed oil. Add the grapeseed in until the bottle is almost full.
    2. Cap the bottle and shake well to combine.

How to use the natural hair loss treatment

To use the natural hair loss treatment, apply some to your fingertips and massage onto the scalp. It’s easiest to apply if you part the hair by the ear, and apply the oil blend to the scalp. Keep parting the hair and working your way across until the scalp is covered. You can also use a boar bristle brush to gently coat your hair after applying to the scalp.

It can get a little messy, so you may want to apply it before bed and wear a shower cap or other hair cover. Covering after applying the blend helps it to sink into the scalp better, making it more effective.

What natural hair treatments do you use to help improve your hair? Share with us in the comments below!

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Hormone Balancing Maca Milk Thu, 22 Sep 2016 17:46:12 +0000 Maca is one of my favorite adaptogens and you’ll often find it in my morning dandelion coffee. While adaptogens aren’t a magical cure-all, there’s a right way to use them for best results. This maca milk recipe is a delicious way to balance hormones and harness the power of adaptogens in your life! Unhappy Hormones ...

The post Hormone Balancing Maca Milk appeared first on The Herbal Spoon.

Maca is one of my favorite adaptogens and you’ll often find it in my morning dandelion coffee. While adaptogens aren’t a magical cure-all, there’s a right way to use them for best results. This maca milk recipe is a delicious way to balance hormones and harness the power of adaptogens in your life!

Unhappy Hormones

Unbalanced hormones can cause a whole host of issues. Antibiotics, birth control, stressful schedules, and exposure to toxins in our air and water can all make for some unhappy hormones. Here’s a list of some of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance:

  • Facial hair
  • low or no sex drive
  • mood swings
  • blood sugar crashes
  • chronic or extreme fatigue
  • chronic yeast infections
  • hypothyroidism
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome

As someone who is struggling with hormone balance myself, I totally get it. It’s frustrating and messy, and sometimes feels overwhelming. While balancing hormones takes concentrated time and effort, I want to be sure that I’m implementing methods into my life that are doable, effective, totally not complicated.

Hormone balancing maca milk

Maca is an adaptogen herb, supports the adrenal glands and helps balance hormones. Cinnamon adds flavor to the recipe and helps balance blood sugar levels in the body. I’ve finished the recipe off with some raw honey for a hint of sweetness without throwing the body through a hormonal loop like sugar does. Here’s the maca I use.



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